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Guests on the Holistic Health Show yesterday were Kelley Eidem and Monique Chapman.

Kelley recovered  from glomerulonephritis and subsequently wrote a book titled the Doctor who Cures Cancer.

Monique is an internationally renoun intuitive, lifestyle consultant,award winning radio host, and author who has been featured on CBS, MTV and contributed to Good Morning America.

My guests for Saturday are Dr Grace Gawler (left) and Cindy Nolte.

Guest on the Holistic Health Show next Saturday include Dr Kedar N. Prasad and Dr Charles Majors.

Jill Mattson is an author, artist, musician and widely recognized expert and composer in the emerging field of Sound Healing. She has written four books and produced six CD’s that combine intricate Sound Healing techniques with her original Award winning musical compositions (Deep Wave Beauty CD – Best New Age CD of 2012 – Silver Award). The CD’s consist of intriguing, magical tracks using ancient & modern techniques – with sound energy & special healing frequencies to achieve profound benefits.

Wish Upon A Star with Anndell V. Banks and special guest, Lia Tutt, a ghost writer, author and consultant.

Inelia Benz shared on many levels:  about her recent move to Washington State to live on a houseboat, her dazzling new book, Interview With a Psychic, and a new relationship with a mutual friend.  

Wish Upon A Star with Anndell V. Banks and special guest, Dr. Edith Moss Jackson

Host, Creator, Author of Epiphany, Entertainer, Actress, Filmmaker, Producer, Director, Columnist, TED Talk Speaker