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Passionate Living, March 15, 2016

Rachel Kenley
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Passionate Living
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with Nicole Brandon and guest, Rachel Kenley

Passionate Living with Nicole Brandon

Interview with novelist, Rachel Kenley

Guest, Rachel Kenley

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Rachel Kenley
Rachel Kenley
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Rachel Kenley believes in embracing the power of passion and she does so every time she sits and spends time creating stories for the characters who live in her head. The characters in her life include her husband, two sons, her family, and a group of writer friends she would be lost without. She knows how lucky she is to be living the writer's life that has always been her dream.

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Passionate Living

Passionate Living with Nicole Brandon
Nicole Brandon

Passionate Living with celebrity host Dame Nicole Brandon

Passionate Living is the Ultimate Hub and Go To Place for the world’s moved recognized Visionaries, Celebrities, Wisdom Keepers, Masters and Global Experts to come together and share groundbreaking and astounding information that will change your life.

Passionate Living is Hosted by celebrity Dame Nicole Brandon, known throughout the world as “The Ambassador of Kindness” and the leading expert across the globe on “Reaching it All”

If you are ready to soar to heights you never knew were possible.

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