Title: Reclaiming our World/ Canonization of Junipero Serra & Genocide
Radiance By Design with Veronica Entwistle - Taking Questions from callers!
Host Dr. James A.Miller, Jr. will devote this show entirely to the Dyett 12 Hunger Strike and the courageous actions taken by a small group of people who are literally laying down their lives for our schools and our children. This is the all-too familiar story of school closures in America’s cities and the privatization of public education before our eyes. This is the MACHIAVELLIAN AGENDA and we are all DYETT.
Shusara begins tonight’s session with a call for everyone to listen and pay attention to the statements that you are Beginningless, Endless, and Divine, the world works to prove otherwise but it is important to continue to feed this understanding into your consciousness. The adversity that we experience in the world is truly a gift of the Divine, and Shusara equates every experience as God presenting you with a return ticket home; a ticket that few want or will accept.
Life Changes Show with Filippo Voltaggio and cohost Mark Laisure
Stand-Up For Something with Emmy Award Winner, Numerous HBO and Showtime Specials, Countless TV Stand-up Appearances, including “Seinfeld,” and “The Office,” on TV, and “Ground Hog Day,” and “Mrs. Doubtfire” on Film, Rick Overton. And Musical Guests, International Accordion Champions Cory Pesaturo and Matthias Matzke on LIFE CHANGES.
20/20 Eye Talk with Dr. Sam Berne - Debut Show!
The Myths Versus Truths About Our Vision
This show presents cutting edge information on holistic health topics related to eye health, vision improvement, aromatherapy, subtle energy healing, somatic movement, dolphin-assisted therapy, the autism-a.d.d spectrum, nutrition, and spirituality.
Call in to receive guidance on how to improve your wellness and listen to stimulating interviews with leaders in the holistic health field. Dynamic, engaging, and funny, this is the show you have been looking for!
From Shelter Dog to Service Dog with Janice Wolfe