New Earth Journey with Candace Craw-Goldman and special guest Aleya Dao
The Wynn Free Conference Call LIVE with Wynn Free
Paradigm Shifters with Chetan Parkyn with Human Design for us all -
When Chetan speaks, lives change”
New Realities with Alan Steinfeld
Interview with guest Dominique Mallee Meeroff with Metamorphic Journeys
Title: Pope Bergoglio's Future visit to the US/ ITCCS Breaking News Announcement
Living Your Soul's Journey with Dr. Vikke
Life With The Girlfriends with Christine Marie Peters & Julie Peters
The War Report on Public Education with host Dr. James A.Miller, Jr. - Today's Discussion is on Neoliberalism.
Duane Heppner returns to delve more deeply into the structures of the Matrix and the layers of reality running Creation. There is increased awareness of the 3 "Gods of man", and the control systems which keep humans incarnating in a human farming operation. For those who enjoy David Icke and his exposure of the reptilian blood lines, this will be a "juicy show". The value resides in pointing the way out of Creation, as beings of pure Light, exiting the manufactured duality and endless incarnations inside the Matrix.