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Aurora shared her experiences as a Galactic Walk-In, and with having created a hyper-dimensional portal shape via the Flying Rainbow Lasagne.  In essence, it's a way to connect to our Higher Centers, Source and the zeroth dimension!  We touch briefly on Atlantis, Marduk, and the Ascension process which is non-local, though our solar system is participating, as are the humans incarnate at this time.

Happy Mother's Day! Let's talk about your relationship with the first woman in your life. This is a very complicated relationship for most and a true reflection of the relationship is not a easy subject to discuss. Let's discuss it.

Healer, Author, Humanitarian and original creator of Rick Simpson Hemp Oil, alternative cancer treatment

Happiness Hangout with Lori Peters. See how Feng Shui can change your space and change your life.

Manifesting Part 2. We are finishing our talk on Manifesting. We'll discuss Partial Manifestations, Why affirmations and visualizations don't work, my formula to successfully manifest your true desires and how to control/protect your vibration.

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The People Speak with special guest Edward Jones

Happiness Hangout with Lori Peters

Happiness Hangout with Lori Peters. Want to balance out your life, check out this great show and see how Marc Mawhinney of Natural Born Coaches did it! 

Manifestation, Part 1...Understanding that you are manifesting all the time and what that looks like for you currently. Also, we'll talk about why you are NOT getting what you want in your life right now.