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September 26, 2010, Bonnie MacDade talked with Cynthia Powers Barnard, Shaman Healer. Cynthia is a Shaman Healer, Author, Teacher/Lecturer, Screenplay Writer and Mother of 4 children (2 Boys & 2 Girls!). She’s been studying the mind-body connection for nearly 25 years, and her journey has allowed her the unique opportunity to visit and study in many mystical and sacred sites around the globe.

SEPT. 12, 2010 - with Elizabeth Joyce and Luisa Rasiej

SEPT 5, 2010 - with Bonnie MacDade and Elizabeth Joyce

The John Martin Talk Show - show 12 - with John Martin International Visionary and Healer, on BBS Radio!

Zone In! Nutrition and Exercise - show 17 with Steven D. Lewis and Special guest Keith, on BBS Radio!

The Truth About Stem Cells with Don Margolis on BBS Radio - Show 22

Your Poultry news source - informative and highly entertaining. If you want to know how a chicken thinks, stop talking to the turkeys and listen to the Chicken Whisperer. He will rile your feathers while tending your flock, all the while hypnotizing your chickens and garnishing your plate.

with Joe Barber the Florida Chicken Whisperer