On this our Christmas Show 2013… Bethany Bach, 10 Year Old Acting Student and Author of A Two Part Book Series Including “Welcome to Kid’s World: Where the Impossible Becomes Possible”
What would happen if kids could create their own world using simply their imaginations?
10 year old Child Author and Elementary School Student, Bethany Bach answers this question and more in her first book, “Welcome to Kid’s World: Where the Impossible Becomes Possible”.
From Shelter Dog to Service Dog with Janice Wolfe on BBS Radio!
Teen-Train Talk Radio with Dwayne Smith on BBS Radio!
For The Love of Dog with Janice Wolfe, Show #15, on BBS Radio!
For The Love of Dog with Janice Wolfe, Show #14, on BBS Radio!
The Truth About Stem Cells with Don Margolis on BBS Radio - Show 26
This episode enhances the main idea of how ET information expands Yogic knowledge. It includes some Earth History, updated news of First Contact, high points of Seth material, Bashar's Big 4, how to change a belief, and includes Pleiadian 'Spinning Technique' along with the 'XYZ' meditation.
The Truth About Stem Cells with Don Margolis on BBS Radio - Show 25