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ET Yoga with Charles Green This Epidode featured 'Debunking Hawking-No God Behind the Big Bang' and provides detailed suggestions relating to how taking 100% responsibility for your outer experience not only empowers you to make changes in the reflection; but also frees you from the past. 

The Beauty Files with Juanita interviews with:

Amber Enfield, Kara Allan, Chef Richard Johnson
Associate Professor, Researcher, Blogger, Speaker, Community Activist, Talk Radio Host

Golden Memories Piano Requests with Steve Dallas! Golden oldies played to perfection!

My guest this Wednesday evening is Mary Pustateri. She is first and foremost a dear friend; beyond that she is a composer, singer, teacher, cancer survivor. There will be lots of stories and singing; you can count on that!

Inspirational Speaker, Author, Talk Show Host, Guest Expert, Brand Ambassador

Real Estate Answer Man Show with Tony Martinez and special guest, Phil Stevenson

Dr. Rebecca Carley shares her views on the dangers of innoculations on This episode of The People Speak with host Rock Cash.  Dr. Carley explains how she embraced homeopathy and natural supplements to deal with disease prevention, reversal of harmful effects of innoculations and other conditions.