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Caravan to Midnight leader John B Wells brings his unique perspective to what's happening in the world around us.  James and John did deeper into how desperate "The Powers That Were" are getting and how that is showing up in the created chaos around us. 

James interviews Jon Rappoport, Investigative Reporter who continues to be a sane voice amongst all the false flags and scare tactics being broadcast by the mainstream media about "Ebola" .  Jon has dedicated over 30 years to getting to the truth behind the headline. James and Jon talk about the government role in population control, the accuracy of the PRC test (the World Health Organization's "go-to" test to determine if a person has Ebola) and the business of creating an epidemic.

Investigative Reporter, Author

CJ PETERS MD - retired Ebola Researcher, Infectious Disease expert, who lead the Zaire/Africa campaign against Ebola speaks about Ebola's history and answers questions from callers across the USA about their concerns regarding this disease/epidemic.

The War Report on Public Education with Dr. James Avington Miller, Jr. and special guests Peggy Robertson, Ceresta Smith, Dr. Jim Horn and Denice Wilburn

Adventures Into Sovereignty with Andrew Bartzis and Rebecca Cope

Rochelle and I will be doing our radio show, "Insight Out--the Naked Truth" at 7 PM PDT tonight on  We'll be exploring the difference between being and doing in the grand and not so grand scheme of things.  Title of the show: "Do be do be do...or "To be or to do, that is the Question."  Call in with your comments and questions.  Are you a compulsive doer?  Natural be-er?  Call in

Occult Philosopher, Lecturer, Scholar