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Were you ever told to "be nice" or to "play nicely?"

Any chance that turned into negating what you wanted in order to make other people happy? Today's show focuses on what you may be losing in life if you're still following that early "Be nice!" admonition.

Guest, Laura Jack, author of The Compassion Code, joins in to discuss the distinctions between compassionate and living up to the expectations of others. Big difference!

The Veterans News Hour with David Cory and Richard Hurley

Guest, Bryan Meyer of the Veterans Community Project of Kansas City

The War Report on Public Education with Dr James Avington Miller Jr.

Anti-sex Trafficking Activist and Founder of Game Over

As the Veil Thins, Ascension Wins

The global Internet has revolutionized our conscious evolution with instant-everywhere and interactive knowledge power to know better and ideally do better... given pure intention in good conscience.

Are you aware that the natural progression of this evolution is a new common sense of the Family of Mankind as an all-connected 'global village' where time and space have been virtualy eliminated?

Chief Legal Officer, Veterans Community Project, Kansas City, MO

Sri and Kira Live with Sri Ram Kaa and Kira Raa

Topic: Embody the Art of Ascended Living