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Radio Free Kanata with Kevin Annett and special guests, Ryan Gable and Lori O'Rorke

Examining the hard evidence of crimes against humanity committed in Canada, and the campaign to arrest convicted war criminals under the authority of the new Republic.
Tune in and become part of history, this Sunday.
Sponsored by the Provisional Council of the Republic of Kanata (

After a little interference on James's Skype connection (during which Doug, our amazing producer @ BBS Radio, started a prerecord of James's interview with Captain K, we were able to get a solid internet connection and James came on with an update of the energies and took callers questions live.

The Galactic Roundtable with Elizabeth Trutwin

consciousness scientist, futurist, writer, management consultant

More than ever we are being called to make the choice about how we decide to live our lives amongst the unfolding world stage.  As the earth begins her seven year ascent and the twinning energies emerge every stronger, there is the moment at hand to either Relax, Trust and Know OR its twin energy, Fear, Chaos and Doubt.

Sri and Kira share how to anchor the vast twin energies ahead as all of humanity begins its ride into the world ahead!

Tune in to an intriguing show with some stunning new revelations shared.

PART 2: Interview with Werner Brandmaier

Conscious Thought with Leo with Magdalena Winkler and guest Werner Brandmaier, from Institute of Geopathology and FengShui. Living in the 21 century we have the privilege of great technology and the benefits, on the other side, we are facing great challenges and impact from the same technology. Learn more about the Ggeopathology and Environmental stress and what you can do to minimize the impact and Harmonize at the same time learn so much that you maybe didn't know about ...  

Universal Soul Love with David and Dr. Lana Love with special guest Robert Vicino

New Realities with Alan Steinfeld and special guest Paul Andrews, Founder and organizer of the events "The Whole Life Expo and Whole Life Times"