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The Divine Energy with Tom Paladino and guests

Scientist, Tom Paladino, has developed a scalar energy technology that has the capacity to send energy to clients all over the world that subtly influences their body's bio-field inducing repair while simultaneously devitalizing pathogens!  See the power of scalar energy yourself in this photo of Tom hold light bulbs over the scalar field that light up without being plugged in!

Join Tom as we explore the invisible world of energy and how it can change your life!

You will so enjoy this interview between Jay Essex and Alexandra Meadors reviewing the world we live in and the new world we will transition into!

Simon Parkes is a life long experiencer of aliens, shadow people, elementals and ufo's

ET-First Contact Radio with Maarten Horts and special guest, Jose Bazan - Awake to the Awakening

Musicians/Health Lifestyle Consultant

James updates the ECETI Community on what's happening in the multi verse and gives a sneak peak at the Speaker Line up for the 2015 Conference at the ranch.

New Realities with Alan Steifeld and special guest, Mary Rodwell

Tory Smith and Alexandra Meadors share yet another discussion regarding the changes they are both noticing with the dark's tactics at this final hour. Tory confirms that he feels strongly that their grid has been destroyed and the dark's "reinforcements" are getting younger and less experienced. Tory shared the way he uses zero point energy to blast the dark beings.