Unlimited Bride with Nicole Brandon and guest Lisa Rose
Topic: Deeper Love, Better Sex
Description: Lisa is known for helping smart, successful women find and keep lasting love. Her unique approach is grounded in the belief that love makes sex better, sex makes love juicier & great communication makes it all a whole lot easier.
Author of Create Your Miraculous Life: It's Never Too Late, Wendy Darling, will be our guest on October 15th, 2021 at 6pm PST / 9pm EST.
Stress is a Slow and Steady Killer!
This Friday on The New Reality Show, join us to discover simple, powerful stress management and stress reduction techniques.
Why?...let’s face it, life is stressful. Stress takes a toll and is responsible for upwards of 75% of all doctor visits. Stress suppresses the immune system and causes exhaustion.
Just how is stress affecting YOU and what can you do about it? That is what Dr. Art Emrich and Dr. Christina Winsey will be sharing with you.
How to Have More Self-Confidence...Some Important Tips to Help You Develop More of It.
Why do some people have solid self-confidence and others don’t?
How can you develop more confidence when you don’t know where to start?
Can you ever be over-confident?
Dr. Art Emrich and Dr. Christina Winsey will be answering these and other questions, and they will provide some practical ways to create more confidence in life and business situations where you’re not reaching your highest potential.
Insomnia Solutions – Help Me Sleep!...Natural Ways to Solve Sleep Problems
17 million Americans suffer from it every year! This is a topic NOT to be ignored.
What is it?...Sleep Problems! We’ve got answers
Physical pain is rampant across the Globe. People need solutions that don’t cost them hundreds or thousands of dollars, and that don’t addict them to pharmaceutical pain killers. The great news is that there are very practical, natural ways to help yourself at home, with all kinds of mind-body techniques, as well as some hands-on techniques you may not know.
Anxiety Solutions in a Fear-Filled World
What is the difference between anxiety and stress overwhelm?
What is an anxiety attack, and what is happening in the body?
How can you reduce, and even eliminate anxiety naturally, and without medications?
We'll be discussing many natural ways to better cope with the stressful, fear and anxiety-producing world we live in these days.
Is Your Brain All it Can Be?
Tonight we will be talking with Expert Brain Trainer Jessie-Rodriguez-Melendez about a vital topic… Brain Health. She'll answer many questions, including
*What are the dangers to your brain from living in our current, fast-paced World and how can you protect your brain?
*How does your Brain help your overall life functions?
*What can we do to optimize the brain to your overall performance, your productivity and especially, happiness!
Best Practices for Setting and Achieving Goals
How can you set goals in the first place, so they stick. Many people neglect this vital exercise and, as a result, don't achieve things that are important to them. This happens for many reasons - as varied as human beings can be.
We'll speak about how to set goals, keep your commitments to your goal and yourself in the midst of challenges and obstacles and keep your motivation high.
Habits Make or Break Your Goals
-What do habits have to do with achieving your
-What is a habit really and how do habits develop?
-What are the most successful ways to break a
bad habit or create a good one?
We’ll be discussing this, and much more to assist you with way to insure your successful goal achievement by cultivating the habits that support your success, and remove the habits that steal your productivity.