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Alexandra Meadors and Johnny Alpha go into great depths regarding his Mars missions beginning in the '70's prior to the official "Secret Space Program."

Simon Parkes is a life long experiencer of aliens, shadow people, elementals and ufo's
world renown lecturer, healer, animal communicator and bestselling author

Guest Carl Boudreau shared the astrological insights that began around 2008-2012, which have been filtering into the consciousness since.  The good news is that the planets are moving into new alignments, which are more like a moving symphony, and not like the "Swing of the Pendulum", which operates historically.  Relationships will be changing in significant ways, and we get a "warning" of a spike or "hard aspect", during the week before Christmas, causing turbulence and unpredictability.  Travelers be aware.  It will end Monday.

Counseling astrologer, Gnostic Gospels, Black Moon and Eris, the Oracle Report

The Debut of ZERO POINT with Dr. Christopher Holmes on BBS Radio!