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Transition Radio Show with Ken D Foster and Paula Shaw

Today we speak with our guest, Steve Sexton, about money.

Steve started his own financial planning business called Sexton Advisory Group eleven years ago and focuses on helping his clients create control over their finances. How do we make money, keep it, AND pass it on to the ones we love? Steve answers these questions and more.

Brad Yates is known internationally for his creative and often humorous use of Emotional Freedom Techniques.
Hungry for the Truth with the Doctor and the Detective

Dr Lana and David Love speak to David M. Gallup the president of WSA, in the year 1999.

World Service Authority promotes, educates about and implements human rights, world citizenship and world law.

World Service Authority is the administrative branch of the World Citizen Government Founded in 1953.

YouTube Video Link:

In 2015, our guest, Political Consultant and Author, Mr. George T. Farrell, founded BlakPac, a leading organization with the purpose to attract conservative minority voters and elect conservative Candidates who support Pro-Life, traditional family values and The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution. Farrell's experience and vision is leading a very successful conservative movement that is electing and supporting candidates across the US and BlakPac maintains the largest database of minority voters in America.

Risk Investigators Report with Yahchanan and Zecaryah

Risk Investigators Report with Yahchanan and Zecaryah

Ascended Masters at Work with Shirlene Reeves

Ascended Masters at Work with Shirlene Reeves and guest Vickie Helm

The Kickass Relationship Show with Midori Verity

Changing to a Passion Filled Career, with guest Marcy Morrison.

Marcy shares:

• How to incorporate what you love

• Why it's important to stop trying to do more

• Creating legacy by developing what you've already done

• How to make it easier by starting with what you have

business development strategist, relationship expert, international keynote speaker, seminar presenter