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My good friend Inelia Benz returns to talk about the chakra system, how to master it, what the present energies reveal and most important:  a new topic - "mappiing".  "Mapping is used consciously and unconsciously by all humans.  Some are rather expert.  And, it can be a weapon used to distract and sometimes destroy, high vibrational beings."  DNA activations, Ultra-dimensionals and more!  

Writer, Painter, Blogger, Artist, Musician, Mystic

Michael shared his stunning life experiences as a Avatar Energy Master

Julian Rose returns to speak eloquently about his battle with the EU in Poland, which was about to steamroll over the millions of peasant farmers, evicting them to create vast corporate "modern, sterile food manufacturing" plots for global production.  We speak about GMOs, chemtrails, organic farming and the subtle energies which are part of the local farming wisdom.  The love exchanged between all life is then lost and the quality of life greatly diminished.  I woke Julian up at 4:00 A.M. and he mentions this at the start!

ET-First Contact Radio with Dieter Braun was a fantastic Experience. The Red Shaman, Indian in the Machine! He is a huge draw!

Mastery is only gained through self-conscious effort, one must apply it to get results, just wishing won't do it.
- St. Germaine


Do you feel a presence? That presence is not your mind; but is your Soul.  

The mind might be lost in contemplation, wonder or daydreaming as the  inner dialogue happens in the presence of the soul. So let's instead  take a  few moments to become aware and  just ...   

JULIAN ROSE turns a page in history with this paradigm shifting 2 hour show.  I first discovered Julian's brilliant writing through several articles. the first being "Reverse Engineering the Illuminati Mindset".  Another is "Phoenix Rising".  On his website, a guest author wrote an excellent activist post, which are all on his website at the link below:

Learning from indigenous wisdom and knowledge – To change society a cultural revolution in activism is needed – by R. Teichmann

Organic Farming GMO Free Zone Activist Writer Essays Teacher Farmer