Sri and Kira Live with Sri Ram Kaa and Kira Raa
Topic: Your Miracle Multi-Dimensional Presence
Inelia Benz returns for an update on her new books, life, and raising the vibration of the planet.
Sri and Kira Live with Sri Ram Kaa and Kira Raa
Topic: Bhakti! Claiming Creative Balance through Pure Love!
Sri and Kira Live with Sri Ram Kaa and Kira Raa
Topic: How to Live in Multiple Dimensions! Really!
Daniel Jacob, of The Reconnections, returns for a lively show!
Sri and Kira Live with Sri Ram Kaa and Kira Raa
Sri and Kira Live with Sri Ram Kaa and Kira Raa
Topic: Quantum Expansion: Once in a Blue Moon!
Cindy Carter returns to begin where we left off on our last show: the energy of protest and fighting, cognitave dissonance, the Matrix of mind control and light technology to free oneself. Great show!