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Soul Ignitor, Intuitive Healer, Alchemist, Energetic Soul Psychology, Conscious Evolutionary Guide, Writer, Radio Show host, TV, Journey Leader, Transdimensional, Spokesperson, Inspirational Speaker, Animal Communicator, Wisdom Keeper, Author & Yogini

The John Martin Talk Show - show 13 - with John Martin International Visionary and Healer, on BBS Radio!

Radio Personality - Internet T.V. Show Host - Author - Motivational Speaker
Health Disclosure with Adam Masters, banner

The Debut of Health Disclosure - Sequence to Obesity and Disease with Adam Masters on BBS Radio!

David Almeida is a Spiritualist and researcher of Rosicrucian philosophy and esoteric knowledge. David is a past article contributor to the Sedona Journal of Emergence and other New Age magazines. He has also earned the title of Board Certified Hypnotist and Reiki healer. David is the author of The First Truth: A Book of Metaphysical Theories and Illusion of the Body: Introducing the Body Alive Principle. Both books can be purchased at

Dr. Bradley Nelson is the developer of an advanced form of energy medicine on the planet. A holistic Chiropractic Physician and Medical Intuitive, Dr. Nelson is one of the world's foremost experts in the emerging fields of Bioenergetic Medicine and Energy Psychology.

November 19, 2012 — Theresa Daley  is a Spiritual Mentor and lives at Nala Pakana, her 79 acre off the grid property deep in the bush of Southern Tasmania Australia.  Theresa began working with people over ten years ago, she is level three Reiki initiated, a Flower Essence Therapist, Yoga Teacher, Children’s Yoga Teacher and Meditation Teacher and Healer.  At this time, Theresa guides people to awaken their conscious mind by changing the patterns in their life so they may live from, and within, the wellspring of Divine Love.

SUNDAY, MAY 29, 2011

ALANNA and MALLKU from the Andes in Peru

MALLKU ARIBALO is an international lecturer and teaches about the Ancient Culture of the Andes, and the Andean Master Path promoting a Shamanic experience as one of the Paths of Liberation for the present generation. His extensive research has earned him well-deserved recognition and acknowledgements, including the publishing of his books in another countries. He is a sensitive Artist and a Promoter of Andean Culture- collaborated during the 1980's as a co-editor of books on Natural Medicine.