Women Reconnecting, April 3, 2016
Women Reconnecting with Lisa Meisels
Guests, Bonnie and StevieAnne
Women Reconnecting
Women Reconnecting - Your path to a life you love! with your host Lisa Meisels
Helping women ascend from the daily stresses of life by reconnecting to their inner radiance so they can play full out and feel alive.
Welcome to the Women Reconnecting a show dedicated to helping women discover the missing link to wellness and discover the key to fulfillment by taking listeners on a journey away from stress, fatigue and overwhelm to a life they love. And your host, the Reconnection Catalyst herself Lisa Meisels.
Wellness is not just about diet, exercise, and positive thinking. There is a missing link to wellness that most are not aware of, but Lisa can help you in addressing these hidden issues that lead to health problems, rapid aging, and burnout.
Lisa guides women who are tired of feeling bloated, overweight, and sluggish to eliminate the stress and fatigue in their lives. With simple and effective therapies, you can feel relieved of all those aches and pains, free from never-ending exhaustion – and open to a vast range of new possibilities in your life.
Through a combination of cutting-edge scientific techniques and holistic therapies, you can boost your immune system and decreasing inflammation. You CAN HAVE more energy, health, and balance!
Femanna founder and CEO Lisa Meisels is a Registered Dietitian, Nutritionist, Certified LEAP Therapist, and Certified Holistic Life Coach with 30 years in the Health and Wellness Field.