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Walking with Spirit, January 24, 2006

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Courtesy of BBS Radio
Terry Lynn Taylor grew up in and around the City of the Angels, Los Angeles. She just missed the cut-off date for being a bona-fide hippie in the sixties, but was much influenced by her hippie elders who helped usher in a new way of being, bravely clearing the path for the rest of us to explore the realms of consciousness in our own way.

She graduated from Old Dominion University with a bachelors degree in Psychology and has put in time towards a masters degree in mythology. In 1985 after years of spiritual investigation, she had an epiphany regarding the angels, after coming across an old Scottish saying: "Angels can fly because they take themselves lightly." This set off an intense interest in angels and the realization that angels don't exist only for dramatic rescues, the angels are with us all the time.

She began writing about her observations regarding the role angels play as spiritual helpers in our everyday life, and this was the beginning of a major life transformation. Terry set out to find a book that would help her attract the angels into her life. Not finding one, she decided to write one herself. Messengers of Light was published in 1990 and became one of the first books to start off a widespread interest in angels that is still guiding the lives of many today.

She is currently living in an arts colony on the edge of Los Angeles County, with her husband and two cats, hosting music salons and art openings.

Walking with Spirit

Walking With Spirit with Dr. Monique Chapman
Show Host
Dr. Monique Chapman

Monique says: 'I am one of God's Alarm clocks. It is time to wake up."
"When life becomes overwhelming, let me help you find balance again"

Let's Join Dr. Monique for conversations with leading edge thought provoking guests from the realms of the paranormal, alternative healing methods, the unexplained, conspiracies and religion, the sciences, metaphysics, and new age issues who are uplifting consciousness.

Intuitive Consultant - Author - Clinical Hypnotherapist - Motivational Speaker

Monique’s Services:
Clairvoyant Intuitive Consultations
Cartomancy (Divination with Cards)
Akashic Record/Past Life Counseling
Spiritual and Intuitive Counseling
Healing—Hands on Soul and Spiritual
Hypnotherapy / Reiki
Past Life Regression
Spirit De-possession
House and Office Blessings
Corporate Consulting
Personal and Business Coaching

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