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Walking with Spirit, April 18, 2006

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Courtesy of BBS Radio

Jean Slatter is a wife, the mother of four busy children, and an intuitive natural health practitioner with credentials in nutrition, herbology, and naturopathy. She is also an inspirational speaker, teacher of several classes, and author of her first book (with the second on its way). If someone had told her ten years ago that she could manage all this and still have free time, she would have been incredulous. Whats her secret? She enthusiastically shares it with you in her new book, HIRING THE HEAVENS: A Practical Guide to Developing a Working Relationship with the Spirits of Creation. Jean believes it is our true nature to be powerful creators. Her process invites purposeful serendipity into our lives by connecting us with the spiritual dimension in an accessible, down-to-earth way. People of many different philosophical bents (spiritual or not) are overjoyed to find that every aspect of their lives can benefit from the insights she offers.

Walking with Spirit

Walking With Spirit with Dr. Monique Chapman
Show Host
Dr. Monique Chapman

Monique says: 'I am one of God's Alarm clocks. It is time to wake up."
"When life becomes overwhelming, let me help you find balance again"

Let's Join Dr. Monique for conversations with leading edge thought provoking guests from the realms of the paranormal, alternative healing methods, the unexplained, conspiracies and religion, the sciences, metaphysics, and new age issues who are uplifting consciousness.

Intuitive Consultant - Author - Clinical Hypnotherapist - Motivational Speaker

Monique’s Services:
Clairvoyant Intuitive Consultations
Cartomancy (Divination with Cards)
Akashic Record/Past Life Counseling
Spiritual and Intuitive Counseling
Healing—Hands on Soul and Spiritual
Hypnotherapy / Reiki
Past Life Regression
Spirit De-possession
House and Office Blessings
Corporate Consulting
Personal and Business Coaching

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