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The Shame Free Zone, September 3, 2012

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Courtesy of BBS Radio

Vote NO on Proposition 35. Want to stop human trafficking? Want to rescue children forced into prostitution? Want to put pedophiles in prison for a long time? Most of us would say yes to all three questions and that is what the drafters of Proposition 35 are counting on. They hope you don't read the fine print about where your tax dollars will go. They hope you don't find out that former Facebook employee, Chris Kelly is putting over a million dollars into promoting the proposed legislation in a personal bid for elective office. They hope you don't look into why the American Civil Liberties Union objects to Proposition 35 and they certainly do not want you to understand their sex negative agenda.  Tune into this episode of The Shame Free Zone and discover the truth about trafficking from a former sex worker.

The Shame Free Zone

The Shame Free Zone with Veronica Monet, banner
Show Host
Veronica Monet

Veronica Monet, ACS, CAM is the author of Sex Secrets of Escorts (Alpha Books 2005) and a Couples Consultant specializing in Anger Management and Sacred Sexuality. Monet has been a vocal and highly visible spokesperson for your sexual bill of rights since 1991 having appeared on every major network as well as CNN, FOX, CNBC, WE, A&E and international television programs. Veronica has been profiled in prestigious publications including The New York Times and she has lectured at a variety of academic venues including Kent State, Stanford and Yale Universities. Monet's passion is honesty, especially as it applies to our emotions and she believes what the world needs more than anything is freedom from shame. Toward that end, Veronica invites you to join her in The Shame Free Zone - her online radio program!

As a Certified Sexologist (ACS), Certified Sex Educator (SFSI), Certified Anger Management Specialist (CAM), Trained Volunteer for the Center Against Rape and Domestic Violence (CARDV) and an Ordained Minister (ULC) Veronica Monet's subject matter marries the body and the soul on many levels - reuniting sex and spirit in down-to–earth terms and providing compassion, intuition, integrity and safety. Veronica Monet coaches men, women and couples over the telephone, via Skype and in-person at her northern California office.

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