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The Guardians of The Holy Grail, November 12, 2009

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Courtesy of BBS Radio
Tau Malachi, head of Sophia Fellowship, will discuss the path of Gnosticism in the Sophian Tradition
The Guardians of the Holy Grail
Thursday November 12th at 12 pm PDT

Mark's guest:

Tau Malachi, Modern Gnostic Leader of the Sophian Gnostic Tradition.
Subject: Living as a Modern Gnostic Mystic.
Tau Malachi is a modern spiritual teacher and mystic who began his spiritual journey when he was eight years old, and over the years has imparted teachings from diverse wisdom traditions, including the Sophian Gnostic Tradition in which he serves as an elder and presiding lineage-holder. In 1983 he founded Sophia Fellowship, a Gnostic circle of the Sophian Tradition, and in recent years has founded an international Gnostic Church, Ecclesia Pistis Sophia, with circles in several countries around the world.
Malachi is the author of several books on Christian Gnosticism and Christian Kabbalah his works include: The Gnostic Gospel of St. Thomas, Gnosis of the Cosmic Christ, St. Mary Magdalene and Living Gnosis, and he has a forthcoming book co-authored with Dr. Siobhan Houston entitled, Gnostic Healing, that will be released in February next year.
The Guardians of the Holy Grail needs your help.....In order for us to continue our weekly broadcasts we need to raise $200.00 per month in donations. It is important to continue the show because it is one of the only vehicles we have in the IOGT  to both spread our message to the world and keep connected to our members who are scattered throughout the globe.

The Guardians of The Holy Grail

The Guardians of The Holy Grail with Mark Amaru Pinkham, banner
Show Host
Mark Amaru Pinkham

Mark is a recognized authority on the esoteric mysteries and the author of numerous books covering the Mystery Traditions and Secret Societies, including The Return of the Serpent of Wisdom and Guardians of the Holy Grail: The Knights Templar, John the Baptist, and the Water of Life. Mark is a Knight Templar and the North American Grand Prior of The International Order of Gnostic Templars (, which is an organization dedicated to reviving and spreading the ancient Holy Grail Mysteries of the original Knights Templar.

Mark and the guests on his show, many of whom are members of Secret Societies and The International Alliance for Planetary Enlightenment, will cover many of the forbidden and esoteric mysteries that have, for ages, been held in the strictest confidence by the Secret Societies. These mysteries include the Secrets of Alchemy and Gnosticism; the Knights Templar Heresy; the various Holy Grails and their current locations; the Cup of Christ, the Holy Shroud, and the Head of John the Baptist; Rosslyn Chapel; the Holy Bloodline from Jesus and Mary Magdalene; the Priory of Sion and all the Secret Societies, including the Knight Templars, the Illuminati, the Freemasons, and the Rosicrucians.

Mission Statement of the IOGT The International Order of Gnostic Templars is committed to assisting in the revival of both the Goddess Tradition and the Gnostic path of knowing one's self fully. IOGT members seek to complete the work of the original Knights Templar by working to synthesize the spiritual traditions of the East and West. IOGT members dedicate themselves to living in accordance with the ideal of the spiritual warrior - one who is able to effectively, and without fear, meet any and all challenges that life places before him or her.

Mark Amaru Pinkham KGCTpl
North American Grand Prior
International Order of Gnostic Templars
P.O. Box 20548
Sedona AZ 86341

With Mark Amaru Pinkham, Grand Prior of
The International Order of Gnostic Templars

Introduction to The International Order of Gnostic Templars

Secrets of the Knights Templar - Part 1
The Gnostic & Alchemical Mysteries of the Knights Templar

Secrets of the Knights Templar - Part 2
The Knights Templar and Mary Magdalene

Secrets of the Knights Templar - Part 3
The Knights Templar and the Creation of Modern Freemasonry

Secrets of the Knights Templar - Part 4
The Knights Templar and the Goddess

Secrets of the Knights Templar - Part 5
The Knights Templar and the Secret Societies of Europe

Secrets of the Knights Templar - Part 6
The Knights Templar and Paganism

Secrets of the Knights Templar - Part 7
The True Legacy of Jesus and Mary Magdalene

Secrets of the Knights Templar - Part 8
The Knights Templar Plan for a One-World Spirituality

Secrets of the Knights Templar - Part 9
Mysteries of the Peacock Angel

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