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The Super Power Of Forgiveness, February 10, 2014

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The Super Power of Forgiveness
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Guest, Mark Bowness

The Super Power of Forgiveness with Perto Herrera, and special guest Mark Bowness

In 2005, at the age of 26, my life hit rock bottom. My marriage was over. I was severely depressed and I tried to take my own life. This attempt led to a powerful awakening: I had lived for 26 years and yet I had never truly lived. Do you feel the same?

I knew that every single aspect of my life had to change, everything. I became determined to discover and immediately implement the keys required to instigate a dramatic life change. As soon as I began to  implemented the keys to life change I witnessed immediate effects.

Four months after trying to kill myself I  created and launched I was propelled into an international media spotlight, including Good Morning America, the Today Show, The Sydney Morning Herald and even the South China Morning Post! was filmed for 18 months and became a 5 part prime time TV programme which aired on the BBC in the UK, and in the USA and Australia. Tribewanted went on to win a number of awards.

After the success of Tribewanted I went on to launch two other un-successful businesses that took me to the edge of bankruptcy. Once again using the principles of life change I took what others perceived as ‘failure’ and used my successes and not-so-successes to coach entrepreneurs, and business owners from around the world to instigate powerful changes.

I have experienced and overcome many challenges – from being bullying as a child to a miscarriage, from divorce to suicide, from incredible business success to near bankruptcy. It is the principles of life change that I have discovered that have resulted in the development of my passion for life –  a passion that wakes me up every single morning, a passion that instills within me the knowledge that we can achieve anything in life that we desire.

I know what it is like to find yourself in the position where your life simply HAS to change - it really is an exciting place to be!

There were times in my life when I needed a Life Change Instigator, someone who would provoke me to ensure that I achieved everything that I was capable of achieving.  Now, I want to be that person to you.

Will you commit yourself 110% to your life change? If you do I will commit myself 110% to sharing with you the principles of life change that have set me on the most incredible journey that I have ever experienced – my life.

The Super Power Of Forgiveness

The Super Power Of Forgiveness with Perto Herrera
Show Host
Perto Herrera

True forgiveness can heal broken relationships and help restore the person who forgives to emotional wholeness and physical well-being.

Herrera himself is a survivor of severe sexual molestation as a young boy raised in a poverty-stricken family in a small village in El Salvador. The personal lessons learned had led the author to fulltime writing, speaking, and philanthropic efforts to help sexual abuse victims and individuals trapped in poverty.

His message to victims is how to survive and escape from abuse through courage, faith, and concerted action. His message to parents is to believe their children and protect them.

"Aflter I made forgiveness a part of my life. God empowered me with a love for others that compels me to help the needy; that is the life-changing power of forgiveness.

Summing up his mission, Herrera says: “I want the needy ones and victims of abuse to know that they are not alone anymore. I am here for them as they strive toward the pinnacles of personal recovery.”

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