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Signs of Life, November 19, 2020

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Signs of Life - Mediums and Messages
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with Doreen Molloy and Joanne Gerber

Doreen Molloy hosting Mediums & Messages on Signs of Life talk radio.

Interviewing guest medium Joanne Gerber

Signs of Life

Signs of Life with Bob Ginsberg
Show Host
Bob Ginsberg

Signs of Life Radio Show is a unique radio show dedicated to the exploration of Life After Death! 

Call In or just listen to top Scientists, Mediums, and Researchers discuss their personal work in the field and answer your most perplexing questions.

Topics will include: Mediumship, Near Death Experiences, Death Bed Visions, Reincarnation, Apparitions and Poltergeists, After Death Communication, ESP and Telepathy, Survival of Consciousness, and the list is endless!

BBS Station 1
Weekly Show
7:00 pm CT
7:55 pm CT
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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

the forever Family Foundation nor comedians command any particular Spirit to come through at any given time the foundation does not endorse any individual medium the purpose of the certification program medium strong evidence of spirit communication without you or fraud

welcome to Signs of Life exploring Survival Of Consciousness brought to you by forever Family Foundation on the web at Forever Family Foundation. Org

I call you

I call you

vehicle with humping and nickel can never be changed

do I call your name

good evening everyone welcome to medium send messages on Signs of Life radio brought to you by the forever Family Foundation I'm Dory Malloy and I'm your host for this evening and as always we've got another great show for you tonight and we'll be taking your calls live on the air in just a bit to bring through some messages from your loved ones in spirit so give us a call here on the show at 18886 to 76008 and if possible try to use a landline phone for the best possible reception our sponsor tonight is Hugs From Heaven turning loved ones clothing into loving memories and you can visit them on the web and hugs from Heaven. Com

I guess medium on the show tonight is Joanne Gerber and she'll be joining us in just a moment's first would you have a quick update December is just about here and we do have our holiday raffle coming up on December 23rd now it's only $5 for one raffle ticket but that gives you five chances to win a reading with one of our certified mediums and the meetings participating in this event or Lynn leclere Bobby Allison Dave Campbell Amy Osman and Dustin lyvers so be sure to check that out there for more information about all of our upcoming event please go to our website at Forever Family Foundation. Org

already so let's get to our show tonight as you know it's mediums in messages and will be opening up our phone lines and just a few minutes and we'll be taking your calls live on the air so on that note let me introduce Our Guest for this evening Our Guest meeting tonight is Joanne Gerber and she's not only one of the certified mediums with a forever Family Foundation but she's also a certified research medium with the windbridge Institute Joanne holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration and marketing she is Reiki certified and is certified in both clinical and metaphysical hypnotherapy and of course she's lab certified in her mediumship ability having tested through the University of Arizona's Veritas research program at most recently Joanne has also been ordained as the spiritualist minister and we're so happy to have her back with us hi Joanne welcome to the show

good evening hi Doreen hello everybody good evening how are you coming along with the rest of the universe through the good time to be reaching out and helping other people and it is offering Services the holidays so just trying to do as much as I am able to do to try to help others get through this difficult time and it's always great to have you back I was so excited to find out that you're writing a book tell us a little bit about this

well I started feeling recently I got off the ground actually in October so but if you know if it's a lot of work probably know cuz u r s locks and you know it's a lot of work but it's really exciting and fun at the same time I'm really enjoying the process or we don't know what to do a few different things not exactly sure I think we're still a little ways I'm probably about halfway through the book as far as of right now so I can't have a little ways to go but I'm coming now because I'd love to have you back on the show and then we can talk a little bit about it once your book is down so

I'm waiting for the right opportunity to come along the right time to do it and what a reflection during cold is it going to really help you go Inward and pull some things out and try to use use that information and knowledge and wisdom to help other people I know it I know what I was writing it it's kind of interesting to see where you're going to fit in that writing time around everything else you you've got a really big schedule here so but I got through it with that and I can't wait to get up a little earlier in the morning that's all that's the way to do it and this was also a really important year for you because you became ordained as a spiritualist minister there are you home services or you with a particular

20 years so it's very familiar with the churches and besides being a member for long time before I started serving and services on a regular basis now price of chains a little bit but I do serve on a on a continual basis of all over the world it's not the church service a way of life

yeah alright well that's great with best of luck with that and thankful we got before we go to war first break I also just want to mention really quickly because I know you have events coming up you're still teaching and you have a new weekly class starting on December 30th via Xoom do you want to share a little bit about not sure it's a 12-week beginner psychic development classes going to meet every Wednesday evening so that we build our energy together as a group of energy is a small class is only going to be 22 students I find that the perfect number to work with where everybody gets to be and I'll get enough attention to help them develop some skills and intuition we're going to work with running the human Energy System starting with the chakras and I or and go through email guys Angels the spirit world doing practice reading The Energy exercises and eventually towards the end of the 12 weeks

Espiritu maybe sooner you know if you know what classes to get a mixed group of people because he get home to get people to respond to go and that's great too and so you know I'm looking forward to the group and in the community that develops around 12 weeks $0.30 for all the informations on my website you can go to my calendar page at and that's where to find me information and you still have openings for this class yeah it is still alright see you guys listening in she's only got a few seats left so got to get over to the website Joey and gerbert. Calm and check out what Jo-Ann has going on with this class and any other events that she might have coming up but that's exciting I know I love teaching I think so much fun

you can put on Jason just relax and go psychic stuff so yes so be sure to check that out everybody all right color so if you have a question for us or you would like to receive a connection with Spirit give us a call they would have said everybody will be right back when grieving the loss of a loved one sometimes a hug is just what you need hugs from heaven or lightly weighted shoulder wraps that are made from the fabric of your loved ones clothing your cousin can also be made into memory pillows and sachets each Hugs From Heaven is handmade with loving care and is as unique as your loved ones Spirit visit us at Hugs From Heaven. Com that's hugs spelled with a c from heaven

cop who couldn't use a hug

the Cadillac Center is putting birth and death back together again

aimed at changing the way we look at death the cam locks and it was founded in 2002 was a publishing company and teaching Center when we know that there is nothing with life we realize that birth and death are events in time and space

agrees can open us to other dimensions of reality and allow us to experience our loved ones were no longer in the physical body

our events and products are based on personal experiences of Survival Of Consciousness after physical death and Decades of research into how death is influence the development of our Consciousness visit that's Kamala for articles videos books and more to help you cope with the loss of a loved one

we all grieve in different ways and let's face it grieve hurts losing a loved one is usually the hardest event we will ever forget to our hands up and become hardened by our grief or we can take positive steps to transform it love knows no death a groundbreaking and Powerful grief transformation method can be what you been looking for to provide some understanding and help workbook and video course 2 workbook has the power to lessen grief and Foster significant healing and is already helped countless people to not only productive but to do so with the knowledge that they were their loved ones

the workbook could be purchased for 1995 or words have never been spoken

welcome back to Signs of Life brought to you by forever Family Foundation

hi everyone welcome back to me

send messages I'm Dory Malloy your host for this evening and if you just joining us our guest tonight is certified medium Joanne Gerber so we're going to go to our phone line and before we get to our first caller I just want to mention that if we do take your call on the air and you'd like to have a connection with Spirit we do need to hear your voice so I'll call out to you by name and just let us know if you'd like us a quick mini reading or if you have a question we love taking your questions as well so you ready to go Joanne I am ready to get to work first quarter I think we have surely calling in from North Carolina are you in a Shirley

it's Jerry naturally

oh I'm sorry say it again Jerry Jerry Jerry

okay Gary welcome to the show I'm going to turn you right over to Joanne

okay hi Jerry thank you for being our first caller and did you have a question for me tonight or did you are you looking to make a connection with spirit

I don't have a question night I don't know

I'm sorry I said it again please

hello I have no question hello yes

yeah we're having a little trouble hearing her I think they speak up just a little bit would you like to have a connection with spirit

if you could get one okay okay okay have you ever had a reading before


now is this your first time


okay so the way it works is that I'll connect to see the energy around you to feel the energy around you from the spirit side of life to see who's going to be coming through to make a connection with you and I feel a gentleman coming through from Spirit I feel like a gentleman that I want to say he might have passed his late sixties I feel like I want to go to the father's side of the family with him I feel like somebody that was very sick before he passed I feel like a gentleman who really slow down at the end of his life I want to say he might have been late sixties early seventies and I feel like someone who I feel like with his connection to you I feel like I want to go to your dad's side of the family do you understand this

my dad's side of the family yeah like connected with me

do you understand okay

I do okay when I say do you understand it I'm asking if you understand the information that I just gave you the description about the spirit loved one has passed you understand that the I do okay thank you and I feel like with this gentleman as he's coming through I feel like he wasn't very good at taking care of himself I feel somebody who got very tired of might have even had some emotional stuff going on maybe I feel like I'm seeing a roller coaster and I feel like I mostly like a roller coaster I feel a lot of frustration in his life do you understand that


and I don't know whether he like to drink or I feel like he might have smoke maybe not right before I pass by am smelling cigarettes so I feel like I've got a smoker here do you want to stay on that

okay thank you okay and I don't know if this is father or grandfather but I know he's on your father's side

and I feel like what this gentleman I don't know whether he had like the same job for a long long time and then had to retire with a health reasons or injury or something do you understand that

not really

okay would you understand what your father your father is on the other side yes

yes okay and you understand all of the information I just gave you except maybe the piece about him working the same job and not being able to work anymore because of injury or illness I feel like I'm somebody who kind of did the same job is whole life do you understand that

yeah I guess he did

okay cuz I feel like someone who I feel like I feel like someone who like to stay in their comfort zone in life you know I feel like it would have been like if it's working why change it you understand that about your I do and I feel like you have a lot of health issues before he passed I feel like there was like at least two issues going on with this house and I feel like I'm just getting very weak and very tired at the end of my life and I don't know if it's heart-related or blood pressure or something but the blood does that make sense to you


yes it does okay so are you are you one of three children here give two siblings

I have

8 siblings are there like two other sisters or something or

no I have five sisters

yeah two brothers okay okay

two brothers slow to the Past

right yeah she's got a okay until I know that dad's talking about being with the Two Sons there's two children that have passed so I know that they are together on the other side

what's that one past a bit younger I want to say cuz I feel like one went very quickly


okay and I know that I have to kind of go quickly cuz we have to take a lot of calls Shirley but I'm very sorry about your dad and and your brothers but I know that he's coming around because I feel like right now you're going through a hard time and I feel like in his life he know how to deal with the hard times I feel like he kept himself busy and kept going forward do you understand that with my dad I feel very strong with him and I feel like he's trying to come in and just kind of lift you up and say you know you're a lot like me but you're going to get through this and things are going to be okay for you just stay put something I know if you're thinking about traveling or or someone is invited you for the holidays but I feel like it's saying just stay put do you understand that

I do okay and I feel you are not a lot of love Shirley thanks so much Jerry for the call I hope this helps a little. Okay thank you

okay let's get to our next caller I think we have tackling in from New York are you with us Pat yes I am high

good evening and thank you for calling

can you have a question are you looking to make a connection

a connection with a spirit okay so let me just turn into the energy around you from the spirit Side of Life Path as I am linking in here I feel gentleman coming in from Spirit and as I connect with his energy I feel like he might have been maybe it is I want to say mid sixties and seventies before he passed I do feel like he got very sick at the end of his life I don't feel like this to be a sudden passing I feel somebody who might have had some health issues I feel like somebody that would have been close to you or not sure if this is like a spouse or a brother to you do you understand this with the energy and yes I do and I want to stay with his energy somebody that was very funny

I feel like it you know if you were in a down kind of mood he would he would be there to pick you up and lift you up and and cheer you up you understand that yes I do and I know the German would have had a passion for music

and Leah like I'd like him to listen music or he might have been in the music field do you understand that yes I do okay because I feel like there's a connection maybe with some special songs that were connected to him but I feel like I want a Hummer I want to sing along to music I feel like somebody who when he was in a good mood he was in a very good mood do you understand that

and is there a February connection

show me the hours of February 25th February and there's a lot of people now coming in with him that I feel like he's having a party on the other side I feel like this is a gentleman that didn't like to be alone he like to be around people he was very good with people I feel so generous very kind very welcoming I feel somebody who could have been very hospitable does that make sense to you and yes it does and I know that he really cares about you I'm like I said I'm not sure if this is like a brother or partner but somebody who will loves you and look after you you understand that Pat


I I just want to see what he's saying with this here so I don't know I feel like interesting

why do I want to say I want to say something about putting Flowers in Your Hair so I don't know if there's a picture that you have with Flowers in Your Hair

oh yes I do you do I believe you I don't think if you didn't I don't think you would say that you do I keep hearing the sky on what time is it felt Flowers in her hair it's like an old 60 song or something Seventh Son and then you show me how beautiful you look for the flowers in your hair so I feel like this is a memory with that

there is a beautiful I know he loves you very very much and he knows that right now he wishes he could be there to hold your hand do you understand

someone who is very I want to say something from the other side he's a very protective energy and you know he might have let things go by when he was here but he's watching very carefully from the other side of Phil he's got his eye on you as far as watching over you making sure you stay safe if you want to stay on that yes okay

you don't even talk to me all the time and and I just something with bells or Chimes or something I'm hearing do you have like wind chimes or something that Jingles are bells or something hanging

oh yes I had those all the time you have bells on my door knobs and bells ringing so like Play No Bells clattering together you know on the back outdoor something that's what I'm hearing and I don't know whether you hear these dogs scuze me when he's not here when I'm sorry went when you know since it's past that these bells actually actually are making noise or something by themselves

yes I think I do get a lot of spirits in my home okay alright so know that it's okay and it's safe it's you know when you send Spirit around you is it's most likely your loved ones that are coming through so it's nothing to fear because they hear I tell you they are in love you okay good because if you are afraid of them your drive them away Fairwood Drive them away so I know that he's around and the something with Rob to I don't know Rob Robert the robber Robert Harry want to connect to

Robert yes okay did something where I feel like I told Robert I said hello

all right I will and I'll leave you lyrics love and thank you for calling tonight could I just ask one question though before if I had two children who passed within a year-and-a-half of each other but one way very sudden my only son at dirt every time I try to get a reading his feet go to the spiritual that never get they never come to me

well you know we can't call people up when 4:20 is not the way mediumship work I wish I could say Hey you know call Sana by name have them come and talk to you back but with mediumship we have to just trust the process for an 11 medium and you putting out the intention to connect with those loved ones that doesn't mean y'all because they haven't come through doesn't mean they don't love you and they have made it to the other side or anything like that and it may just be you know when they're ready to make the communication they will come through it doesn't mean they're not there I mean of course this is a very quick like five minute reading on on the radio so you may have a better opportunity like I said there's still no guarantee but I would say that your your chances your opportunity doesn't crease as opposed to going to a group reading or you know getting really are otherwise so it probably with a medium or zoom on the phone with more chance of a connection there

okay thank you very much and have a nice holiday thank you take care okay bye-bye bye-bye

okay I think we have time for one more caller before we have to go to break so I think we have Lauren Clothing in from Pennsylvania are you with us Lauren my ladies hair would you like a reading material of a mini reading yes thank you

hi Joanne hello Lauren good evening thank you for calling

how are you this evening

good good we're all doing the best we can do this right zactly exactly and I do feel one coming through on mother's side of the family and as I linked with her energy I feel like I may be a grandmother vibration you were very close with your grandmother on your mother's side of the family yes

and I know this is a woman who I want to say when she was here that if you wanted someone to do the job right to be the one to do it to understand that with her grandmother yes I feel like she was very organized I don't know whether she work in business or something but I like the feeling of her being very organized and I feel like she was someone who is like the glue of the family of something was going on to be the one to make the calls or organize things put things together I definitely feel like she was a very kind and loving woman not afraid to show her affection to her family I feel like somebody who love to be around her family during the holidays also someone that maybe like to decorate our home to you understand that

yes and I don't know that I keep feeling like a younger gentleman coming in beside her was their younger gentleman close to the pastor in the family that would have maybe around $30 or twenty-five to Thirty or so exactly I don't know if he knew grandmother was connected or friend of the family or something but I know that to trying to say he's okay with his passing he went very quickly you want to see on that

and I know that I know that I feel like it just left a lot of people in shock and I feel like what this young man A very handsome man. Very beautiful eyes a very nice smile I feel somebody who was a good friend to people I feel someone very trustworthy loyal do you understand that 100% yeah I don't know if this is like a brother or cousin or apartment to you but you could they come in and they show me how it's which means I know they were important in your life I know that they cared for you and you love them they loved you and that there's a certain sadness like not knowing it was going to happen this way it happened so fast with him I kind of feel like what does he's coming through here I feel like he's taking some sort of responsibility around his passing like that things could have been prevented does that make sense to you

oh yes it was an accident but yes okay alright cuz I feel like there was something where you know maybe I had a feeling I shouldn't be doing that are going out there or I'll do something where I feel like he was very sensitive and he was very in touch with things and I want to say that he might had a quiet side with himself what does emotions he may not have always expressed himself because I feel like he was afraid people would judge him do you understand that yes

and I I feel things are tough he had some tough times in his life but I feel like he always had the love and support of his family and friends I keep hearing like Jane or is there a Jane or Jenna Jean connected with him no not that I know of but he might be trying to connect to heal on the physical not passed on JM name or Joan or maybe if we just drop this down sometimes it'll come through a little bit later but I know you know he's trying to say I'm okay everything up really fast I didn't get a chance to say goodbye and I don't know what was going on but it was just the weirdest thing I feel like something very bizarre happened during this do you understand that

so I know that he's trying to say he's the he was aware of what happened and I know that I know that he went very fast I know that there was a lot of people there is a lot of people on the other side that are there with him It's Only Love Dogs show me a dog on the other side so I do feel like get a dog to pass before him to

and somebody like I don't know I want to say the name and I'm not sure if it's an animal or person but I'm here in like 2 or keto or something like that is there somebody that's connected like with a short nickname like they might have called him Beto or

something with a short name if you just remember that I mentioned I might be something that will come through a little bit later okay and I know that he's at peace Lauren I know that I know that is very grateful for you and and for all the times you shared with you I feel like you were there to help each other out in this lifetime if that makes sense to you yes we were no way I miss him terribly I know he loves you very much and he knows that you're right him I don't know what what's with the writing journal okay

okay and you're sitting bad you read it a right neck cuz he thinks I feel like he's with you so know that he's there with you okay because when you think of your loved one your thoughts are energy they connected to your loved ones okay that's how we communicate and choose by the energy of love and that Love Never Dies and he's always going to have that love with you and around you and watching over you

and he'll keep talking to him and sharing the memories and handling the objects that he left behind Olivia pictures that's the way that we we make our connections energetically with all the ones in the past and I do appreciate that as well

thank you

thank you Lord I'm very sorry about your loss and I wish you many blessings on your journey here and please be safe and be well and thank you for calling thank you

okay well we're going to take a very short break and in the meantime check out Jo-Ann's website Joanne don't go anywhere we'll be right back

when grieving the loss of a loved one sometimes a hug is just what you need hugs from heaven or lightly weighted shoulder wraps that are made from the fabric of your loved ones clothing your clothing can also be pillows and sachets East Hugs From Heaven in handmade with loving care and his Spirit visit us at the tugs spelled with a c from Heaven. Com who couldn't use a hug

I would like to introduce you to the forever Family Foundation a nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide support for families who have suffered the loss of a loved one we believe in the continuity of the family even though a member has left the physical world we invite anyone who's trying to cope with the loss of a loved one to contact the forever Family Foundation at 631-425-7707 or on the web at Forever Family Foundation. Org

we all grieve in different ways and let's face it hurts losing a loved one we can take positive steps to transform it love knows no death a groundbreaking and Powerful grief transformation method can be what you've been looking for to provide some peace and understanding it was created in written by medical doctor and professor at roster significant healing and has already helped countless people to not only productive but to do so with the knowledge that they were their loved ones again the workbook to be purchased for 1995. Org digital version is also available for 9

have never been spoken

welcome back to Signs of Life brought to you by forever Family Foundation

hi everyone and welcome back our guest tonight is Joanne Gerber and before we get back to her into our phone lines did you know that you can financially support the work a forever Family Foundation which is a 100% not-for-profit organization without sending us at any here's how you can help when you shop on the internet think of us before you go to and instead go to Forever Family Foundation. Org and just use the Amazon link to get the Amazon there's a link on every page of our website and if you add that one simple steps to your shopping a dollar percentage of everything that goes into your shopping cart will generate a donation from Amazon to us and if you don't shop on Amazon there's another way you can help us and this will also produce a donation to The forever Family Foundation without you having to send us anything just visit I give. Com sign up with I give it

free and just name forever Family Foundation is the charity of your choice and just like with an Amazon the portion of your spending results in a donation to The forever Family Foundation once you set it up every time you shop on the internet I will automatically send a message on Nation whenever you shop in one of their more than 1,400 online stores and these are places that you're already shopping in like 1 800 Flowers Home Depot Marriott QuickBooks Sirius radio and many many more to go to Forever Family Foundation. Org and please take a few moments when you shop to show us that you care already so we have a few minutes left and we can get back to our phone line so do we have George on the line pulling in from Florida are you with us

hi George. How are you

thanks that's good and thank you for calling in tonight George do you have a question or are you looking to make it on connection with somebody that's passed on

I wanted to make the connection tonight please okay sure so let me just turn into the energy around 2 I feel a female energy coming through from from the spirit side of life around to Jordan as I feel this woman I feel like I want to say somebody that I feel like coming love nature she shows me walking outdoors I feel like someone who would have had an appreciation of life of the beauty of Life of flowers I feel like someone who was afraid to get her hands dirty so to speak I know that what this woman I know that she would have been maybe in her 70s maybe late seventies or maybe a little bit older before she passed I do feel like things came very quick at the end of her life I don't feel like it was a law

illness I feel more like a brief illness before she passed she show me wearing gloves like gardening gloves now know whether at the end of a life she couldn't use her hands or had problems with couldn't do the things that you like to do do you understand this yes yes and I know that this woman would have like I want to say like animal animals love children I just feel like I'm smiling like I always have this very beautiful smile my eyes light up I'm not sure if she would have had lighter eyes did she have lighter eyes

no no no actually I wasn't sure about that but I know she had a lot of lightener I so I feel like somebody who had a way of of lifting people Spirits had a way of making you feel comfortable and feeling safe and secure you understand that for everybody I feel like a woman taking care of everybody I feel like a woman who gave selflessly of herself and maybe even try to help other people that were not aware left fortunate do you understand that yes yes I do

okay I don't know why she's showing me Mexico but or like I don't know what was there ever a Mexico

I can see if I can put together a New Mexico I'm not quite sure what you're saying here but I feel like this is a woman who I feel like I'm very creative with my hands to understand that with her and I feel like I like. I like the beauty of life like I feel like I like jewelry that's handmade or maybe she might have made jewelry in a life you understand that with her

yes we do and I just feel like somebody who didn't need to wear a lot of makeup in life just was very a very beautiful woman and I feel like someone who from the spirit side of life watching over you and you talk to her all the time you understand that


if something I feel like at the end of the life I feel like wasn't very brief I just feel like like there was enough time to make a lot of decisions or plan things I feel something happened faster than I thought he would understand that with her

yes I do yes I do all right

I can't think right Golf and though I know she's not alone

and I know this is a woman who just enjoyed her peace I feel like she didn't have to have a lot of entertainment in the life I feel like a woman who was good at finding things to do and keeping yourself busy you know and always there like you know she would just drop everything and go if you needed something you know I just the way I feel about her energy FL lot a lot of love but you saying something else here is what they're just a birthday or passing out I feel like I'm going back to early fall like September October


I can't right now okay something with September October here

it could be connect to a birthday anniversary of passing or both

tell if I just said it birthday anniversary passes something to be remembered here where I feel like you would have spent the day together you would have done things together you were to celebrate together


are you cleaning out your house or selling a house or something

are we just sold a house and still in boxes cuz I feel like the sealed boxes to go through some of these are the contents of the boxes belong to her but I don't like yes GIF okay and I feel like she could be very funny you know she had a good sense of humor a good a good whip I feel like someone who got along with everybody

I want to say she was not into drama at all you understand that no no right practical guide to go like you know what I want to say that you know if people didn't listen to her advice it was like okay I did my job I told you what my opinion is why you ask me again you know that kind of thing is like it just makes sense to do it this way I feel like she was just a no-nonsense person

and I know that she misses you I know that you miss her I know that she loves you very much and I know that you talk to her all the time and I don't know whether you pick up walks or you collect stones or she did was it something with locks of stones

damn my wife collect rocks

okay cuz I feel like I'm going to pick me up walk and collecting rocks or something and I feel like I like the pretty rocks you understand that

okay and I leave you with the love of very sorry about her passing and know that love is energy that never dies George thank you very much appreciate it you're very welcome and you take good care of be well

thank you you as well pulling into the show George I hope this helps just a tiny bit

thank you for the pie

bye-bye hey wow that's great you're a fire tonight my lady all right let's get you another call or here we have smell something burning yes there we go

okay I believe we have Kathleen falling in from New York are you with us Kathleen

yes I Joanne hike I will turn around oh going to turn you right over to Joanne thank you

thank you for calling and you're probably a last call please thanks did you want to ask a question connection

connection please thank you so let me just turn into the energy around 2

you know I've always liked you in here I feel somebody younger coming through passing and I feel like the family that passed very quickly and taking them with their energy I feel like this may may be a connection with like an accident or somebody passed very unexpectedly in a motor vehicle do you understand this

yes you know if it's male or female well I feel the energy building so I want to make sure Mama I'm correct with this address is coming in I do feel like this I want to say this energy feels to me like a female and I feel a very soft energy or female energy it doesn't always mean it's a female but I feel a very gentle soul with this person you understand that about them


Barry's light energy and I want to say let me just let me just let me just ask him to come in a little closer hear this something with I feel like things got out of control before they passed you understand that

maybe there's something there's something where I feel like something I feel like I didn't know it was going to happen the way that it did but I couldn't do anything about it does that make sense to you that's what I mean by like out of there because would you understand this I don't feel like it's a female I feel like it's a male energy it would somebody that's very I want to say n-word or kept a lot of things to himself you understand

yes somebody that maybe didn't tell you everything that was going on his life or didn't want didn't want you to worry about him does that make sense to you


but I feel like I want to say I'm sorry about what happened around the passing do you understand that there's something where I feel like he's coming showing me coming forth with his head down feeling regrets around his passing

right yes


what's up I'm sorry

I said because of the tragedy of it okay and I know that he didn't want to leave this way but I feel like I feel like he heard a lot of people or maybe wasn't being careful mindful before this accident happened or something I'm not quite sure what happened but it was was beyond his control there was nothing he could do when it happened I feel like you know there was nothing there was nothing he could do whatever it was was much more powerful much more powerful than him off or I don't know whether it was a road accident or something or equipment or something very heavy where I feel like I'm just going and conscious very fast are you on the stand


what does feel like a son or a son-in-law to you

cousin cousin okay somebody was very close with them

you are no doubt about his life

yes and I I feel like someone who is just dying to make like trying to corner or or or successful prospering is life what things are starting to get better cuz that make sense to you right

yes because I feel like I want to say things are cut short I thought everything was going good and then this happened kind of think so it may also be that he wants also connect with his his mom is still here on the physical live


pasta on poke somebody's a female here just to hear somebody that he want to connect to like an older sister or something

yes he's got three sisters actually I feel like I feel and I feel like he's coming through

I'm okay and his father also passed cuz of the gentleman with him on the other side

yes and I feel like they might have had maybe not the closest relationship but I feel like the closer now that make sense to you

yeah because his his dad passed when he was very young

and be together with Dad so that might be something important for the family if you know not everybody is open to bypass those messages along and you know I feel messages to a family Kathleen


and I thank you for calling in tonight and let them know that he is okay

okay thanks so much okay you're welcome there

well we are just about out of time I can never believe how fast this hour goes Its resume but I do want to thank our guests Joanne Gerber for joining us this evening and Joanna for listeners would like more information about you work or if they would like to schedule a private reading with you the best ways to the website tell me my Facebook page psychic medium Joanne Gerber very good and I'd also like to thank our listeners for being with us tonight and we each and everyone of you find your way to Healing we invite you to go to war website at Forever Family Foundation. Org and just a quick reminder next Thursday evening there will be no broadcast on Signs of Life radio as we wish all of our listeners a very Happy Thanksgiving and signs of life will be back on the air the following Thursday on December 3rd at 8 p.m. Eastern

time so we hope that you'll tune in for the show and thanks so much for joining us tonight I'm Doreen Molloy if you would like to check out my work you can visit me on the web at Doreen Molloy. Calm and in the meantime I wish you all a wonderful evening and always remember your loved ones or just a Heartbeat Away and one day science is going to prove it good night everyone

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