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Satsang with Shusara, July 31, 2014

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Satsang with Shusara
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with Shusara Akona Kumara

After a brief discussion about the current changes in energy, tonight's session began with Shusara retelling the story of the Silent Sage and then expounding on it's meaning. Shusara shared personal stories tonight about mind using Truth as something to identify with and also about the illusion of death. Her stories point to deeper experiences all will have along their journey home.

Satsang with Shusara

Satsang with Shusara with Shusara Akona Kumara
Shusara Akona Kumara

Satsang, from the Sanskrit meaning "gathering together for the truth," is an ancient practice where spiritual seekers come to spend time with the guide for the purpose of the expansion of consciousness. The guide facilitates the session by holding the energy for the group, providing teachings, answering questions and facilitating meditations. The beauty of satsang is that it is always a unique experience. The collective energy of the group is ever-changing, and the teachings for the session are most often determined by the questions which arise from those in attendance.

Satsang with Shusara is different from what most people have experienced because of the scope of the teachings we focus on. We pull teachings from various religious systems and quantum physics and present them in a way that seekers can begin to see the deeper truths found within them as a more unified whole. Those familiar with a more traditional satsang approach experience an "ending point" in the teaching of the formless Absolute.  While it is true that your divine nature is beginningless, endless, formless, single, being, knowledge, bliss, you do exist as as individuated consciousness that does not experience the illusion of separation with the Illumined Worlds, which exist outside 3rd density.

The Center for Spiritual Awareness was created as a vehicle to begin spreading the ancient teachings of the KUMARA's; it is a complete package of knowledge of the Illumined Worlds, married with the teachings of non-dualism the understandings of quantum physics.  As a blending of the paths of wisdom and devotion, our teachings allow seekers to use their own life experiences in order to move into deeper spiritual understandings of their divine nature, and of what has constructed their realities, thereby expanding their consciousness. This is very deep dissolution work, meant for the serious student, but presented with humor, joy and love.

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