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Reach For It Radio Show, June 4, 2015

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Reach For It Radio Show
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Radical Healing with Energy Work

Reach For It Radio Show with Christina Calisto Winslow discusses Radical Healing with Julie Motz. Julie Motz is an energy healear and is best known for her work in surgery-originally in heart transplant surgery with Dr. Mehmet Oz. This is detailed in her book, "Hands of Life". Julie will discuss her work in finding that many of the root causes of disease, depression, addictions and other health issues begin with pre-birth trauma. For more information about Julie and her work, please visit:

Headlined Show, Reach For It Radio Show June 4, 2015

Radical Healing with Julie Motz
Broadcast Date

Did you know that many diseases can be linked to pre-birth trauma? Christina Winlsow interviews Julie Motz who has studied this and more. This show is about Radical Healing and energy work. Julie Motz is best known for her energy healing in heart transplant surgery with Dr. Mehmet Oz. Julie began doing energy work in operating rooms in the early '90s and is a pioneer in the field. She has been featured in the NY Times Magazine, CNN, Psychology Today and ABC Nightly News. Her latest book, "Hands of Life" provides information on the historical causes of disease, going down to the cell and back to the womb. For more information, please visit:

Guest, Julie Motz

Guest Name
Julie Motz
Guest Occupation
Healer, Author
Guest Biography

Julie Motz is best known for her energy work during heart transplant surgery with Dr. Mehmet Oz. In 1994, Julie Motz pioneered the practice of doing energy healing in the operating room while patients were having surgery. Her book about this work, "Hands Of Life," has been published in five languages and is used world-wide to help people get through surgery with reduced complications and speedier recovery time. She has been featured in the NY Times Magazine, Psychology Today and on CNN. She now works with a wide range of physical and emotional issues including depression, anxiety and addiction.

Reach For It Radio Show

Reach For It Radio Show with Christina Calisto Winslow, banner
Show Host
Christina Calisto Winslow

Reach For It Radio™ is a live weekly broadcast on BBS Radio, hosted by best selling author Christina Calisto Winslow. Tune in every Thursday at 11am PST, 2pm ET, for an enlightening and entertaining hour about life, love, finances, spirituality, health, and business as Christina challenges the status quo. This show is dedicated to assisting listeners to reach higher to attain what they really want out of life. Christina brings no-nonsense and practical tools to her listeners though her interviews with great thinkers, healers, and spiritual teachers of the world combined with her intuitive coaching abilities. Callers will be given the assistance to remove blocks and become empowered to see what is actually possible in their life. Reach For It Radio™ is a catalyst for change and provides new ways for you to reach for the stars!

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