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Radiance By Design, January 22, 2008

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Courtesy of BBS Radio

As many of you know, Veronica has a great admiration, affinity and talent for channeling. The beloved channel Bashar has been on Paradigm Shifters (January 1st show archive) and soon Mafu, another beloved channel, will be on the show. Mafu teaches that our subconscious is really rich and full and is so deep, it is difficult to make changes at that level. Many of us work on our intentions and visualizations but we also need to affect change at the sub-consious level. There are two gateways to the sub-conscious that will allow us easier access to change; forgiveness which includes self-forgiveness and self-approval. Mafu says that if we can get into these gateways, we can get into the sub-conscious. How do we master self-forgiveness?

Radiance By Design

Radiance By Design with Veronica Entwistle, banner
Show Host
Veronica Entwistle

Radiance By Design is a weekly call in show where I encourage you with all my heart to connect with me, Veronica, from anywhere you may be and from whatever level of consciousness that is clouding you. The show offers you a much needed spiritual tune up – gives you the means to hold your own as you engage the crazy dynamics that occupy our ever changing planet. Radiance By Design is specifically tailored to the energies of each week and your calls dictate our on air discussions. Together we explore multi-dimensional realities, healing through energy structures, chakra tuning, the complexities of shifting dynamics, divine relationships, evolution, love, and anything else that may be weighing your spirit or mind.

During the show, callers (and listeners) can feel the transformative energy directly through the airwaves. Not only will I assist you in finding answers to the questions within yourself, I will also help you determine exactly what is behind each question you are experiencing. We will move the energy trapped in your being, allowing change. You will become released to a state of true self, a vibrational vehicle of light. The more of your light you are, the more energy you exude unto everyone you encounter. You will come to realize that as our radiance increases, we no longer feel the need to be dictated by the mass consciousness, or restricted by the things we don’t fully understand, or can’t control. Instead, we lovingly stand strong on energy tip toes, reaching out for the sheer wonderment of it all. This wonderment is what Radiance By Design is all about. Remember, we are ALL a part of this collective journey. Let me be your guide each week. We shall travel together.

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