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The Peace Brain Show, September 5, 2018

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The Peace Brain Show
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The Purpose of Social Action, with Marjan Yavari

The Peace Brain Show with Dr Gail Lash

​The Purpose of Social Action, with Marjan Yavari

The Peace Brain Show

The Peace Brain Show with Dr Gail Lash
Show Host
Dr Gail Lash

What is Peace Brain? Peace Brain is a term that Dr. Gail Lash created to indicate a peaceful mind, body, spirit and world. Peace Brain is the synergistic connection between our mental and emotional bodies – the blending of the electrical power of the mind with the magnetic force of the heart. We humans cannot exercise our complete capabilities and innate gifts to manifest true Peace On Earth unless our Peace Brain is engaged, with these biological and spiritual centers working as one. Unity through Diversity is the goal.

Topics of Peace span the complete continuum of Science and Spirit – and so does The Peace Brain Show!  Listen and explore scientific and metaphysical concepts related to the human condition, animals and Nature, our relationship to Universal Energy and implementations of Peace worldwide with your Host, Dr. Gail Lash!

Drawing on her multifaceted background, Dr. Gail features guests who are Zoo and Aquarium leaders, Animal conservation partners, Community facilitators, social Justice organizations promoting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, National park operators, Metaphysicians, Energy healers, Angel workers, Animal communicators, and much more – all imparting their practical wisdom on how we each can create a world of Peace, Love, Justice and Beauty – manifesting “As Above So Below”.

From this, envision a map of the Earth being populated with “Places Of Peace” (markers and practices by these organizations and grassroots individuals) that when linked create Peace Trails around the world!  It is practical; it is powerful; it is possible!

The show is a one-hour format.  It begins with an opening quote and monologue segment by Dr. Gail, introducing the Peace topic for that show. This is followed by a 30 to 40-minute conversational interview with an amazing guest of note – done in the spirit of friendship, laughter, respect, contemplation and building community.  The show ends with a Peace Brain Meditation, in which Dr. Gail enables you to practice turning on and tuning into your Peace Brain!  Join us!

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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

The Peace Brain Show – Guest Marjan Yarvari on Social Action


Dr. Gail welcomes listeners

Opens with a Quote

Monologue on Peace Brain topic

Introduce guest

Questions for guest and conversation

Thank guest

GL leads a guided Peace Brain Meditation

Dr. Gail says you can find me here & get these services

GL signs off


0 minutes

What is Peace Brain?  Peace Brain is the synergistic connection between our mental and emotional bodies – blending the electrical power of the mind with the magnetic force of the heart. 

Listen and explore how to create unity worldwide, as we blend science and metaphysics, open our hearts and minds to the possibilities of Peace on Earth, and create the life we are each destined for.

Featured guests range from angel communicators to zoologists and everything in between. Now here is your host Dr. Gail Lash!

01 minutes

GAIL: Welcome to The Peace Brain Show! This is your Host, Dr. Gail Lash and I’m happy to have you here today!

Today we have Marjan Yavari with us, and a powerful topic of Social Action to discuss, along with a transformative meditation at the end of the show. So please stay tuned throughout the show!

But first, as always, I want to open the show with a quote. This quote is from The Universal House of Justice:

“The welfare of any segment of humanity is inextricably bound up with the welfare of the whole. Humanity’s collective life suffers when anyone group thinks of its own well-being in isolation from that of its neighbors or pursues economic gain without regard for how the natural environment, which provides sustenance for all, is affected. A stubborn obstruction, then, stands in the way of meaningful social progress: time and again, avarice and self-interest prevail at the expense of the common good. Unconscionable quantities of wealth are being amassed, and the instability this creates is made worse by how income and opportunity are spread so unevenly both between nations and within nations. But it need not be so. However much such conditions are the outcome of history, they do not have to define the future, and even if current approaches to economic life satisfied humanity’s stage of adolescence, they are certainly inadequate for its dawning age of maturity. There is no justification for continuing to perpetuate structures, rules, and systems that manifestly fail to serve the interests of all peoples. The teachings of the Faith leave no room for doubt there is an inherent moral dimension to the generation, distribution, and utilization of wealth and resources.”

03 minutes

This quote represents a glimpse into the new society/civilization that will flourish in future. This show is about the social action that can be taken to help create these new ways of being.

I want to talk for a moment about the Universal House of Justice, as its mindset and teachings are central to our topic today of social action.

You know that I am all about Peace, and as we talk about social action today and its examples, I want you to think of Peace as the goal and process. The Universal House of Justice (UHJ) is uniquely qualified to address the issue of world peace for several reasons.

It is an international governing body, democratically elected by the representatives of the Baha’i Faith whose more than five million members comprise one of the most diverse organizations on earth. Recognized by scholars as one of the fastest growing, youngest and most wide-spread of the world’s religions, the Baha’i Faith has significant communities in over 230 different countries or significant territories (second only to Christianity), represents over 2,000 tribes, races, or ethnic groups, and has translated its writings into over 800 languages for use in over 120,000 localities.

Every five years, representatives of National Baha’i Communities gather at the Baha’i World Center in Haifa Israel to elect the Universal House of Justice through a process which involves no nominations and no campaigning, only prayer and private ballots. Once elected, the Universal House of Justice is responsible for guiding and inspiring educational projects, charities, community development, radio stations, publications and building projects for a community which circles the globe and includes people from every nation and culture imaginable. Guided by the global vision found in the writings of Baha’u’llah, the Prophet Founder of the Baha’i Faith, it has successfully forged a community which is a model of international cooperation and service. Its goal is to promote peace and unity, not just for Baha’is, but for the world.

In 1985, the Universal House of Justice addressed a message to the peoples of the world inviting them to consider that a new social order can be fostered by all peoples’ seeing themselves as members of one universal family. This message, titled “The Promise of World Peace”, was presented to world leaders and countless others during the United Nations International Year of Peace.

It is this and other UHJ documents that will guide our discussion of Social Action today, with my guest Marjan Yavari!

05 minutes

INTRODUCE GUEST – Today I am delighted to have Marjan Yavari as my guest – she is an entrepreneur, always open to present-time opportunities to be an “angel investor”, particularly to create environments for people to contribute their talents to create a better and more peaceful world. Her social action is based on the principles of the Baha’i Faith, particularly the oneness of humanity.

Guest website:

Marjan invites you to go to to learn more about the Baha’i Faith in relationship to social action, current topics, and local and global issues. You can search the numerous articles and videos available there.


06 minutes


  1. Marjan – you have a very inspiring life story – please share some of these highlights with us.

  2. You mentioned to me that Social Action, based on Baha’i principles, is NOT for conversion of people to the Faith – its goal is the betterment of the world. Please expand on this.

Quote: “Baha’i activity in the field of social and economic development seeks to promote the well-being of people of all walks of life, whatever their beliefs or background. It represents the efforts of the Baha’i community to effect constructive social change, as it learns to apply the teachings of the Faith, together with knowledge accumulated in different fields of human endeavor, to social reality. Its purpose is neither to proclaim the Cause nor to serve as a vehicle for conversion.”

  1. So what is the definition of Social Action?

  2. Let’s talk about racial unity, and how the Atlanta Baha’i Center, built by hand in 1950, contributes to this unity.

  3. You and your husband purchased a building next to the historical Atlanta Baha’i Center in the heart of downtown Atlanta GA. Why? What is your purpose for this building?

  4. Will you be doing training on social consciousness and action for community companies?

  5. In our planning for this show, you mentioned to me that your social action company is getting help from The Impact Experience company ( Tell us more about that.

  6. Could you give us another example of people engaging in social action? Ex: Junior Youth Group in Papua New Guinea – changing traditional marine practices so that the coral and fisheries are sustainable, and bringing unity to the villages.

  7. Take social action for yourself - look at your own locality!

43 minutes

So, Marjan – We are getting close to the end of our time together on this show. What final words of wisdom would you like to share with our listeners today?

Quote from the Universal House of Justice:

“Material civilization is like a lamp-glass. Divine civilization is the lamp itself and the glass without the light is dark. Material civilization is like the body. No matter how infinitely graceful, elegant and beautiful it may be, it is dead. Divine civilization is like the spirit, and the body gets its life from the spirit, otherwise it becomes a corpse. It has thus been made evident that the world of mankind is in need of the breaths of the Holy Spirit. Without the spirit the world of mankind is lifeless, and without the light the world of mankind is in utter darkness.”

46 minutes


THANK you Marjan for being on The Peace Brain Show!

47 minutes

PEACE BRAIN MEDITATION – Let’s go into today’s PB meditation… sit back…

Gail brings audience out of meditation and says this:

54 minutes

Thanks for tuning in today to The Peace Brain Show! If you would like to connect with us to assist your company or business in creating a Peace Park, where dialogue about peaceful solutions can be held, please go to our website or email me at

Again, I want to thank my guest, Marjan Yavari, for being on the show today. You can find more about the Baha’i Faith at Please check out their articles and videos, and search for your most interesting topics!

then Gail ends with:

NOW, Please go forth and activate your Peace Brain, and put YOUR Peace Park on the World Peace Trails map! Many Blessings.


55 minutes

Thank you for joining us on The Peace Brain Show! Be sure to check out Dr. Gail’s Akashic Records readings, her Peace Master Plans for your business or organization, and her book, “#OptforPeace: 9 Essential Steps To Achieving Peace, Power, and Prosperity”.  

Tune-in to BBS Radio, Station 1 every other Wednesday at 6pm Pacific and 9pm Eastern to The Peace Brain Show for your next installment of wonder, inspiration and practical Peace!

56 minutes


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