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Passionate Living, June 15, 2016

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Passionate Living
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Guest, Shelley Whizin

Passionate Living with Dame Nicole Brandon and guest Shelley Whizin

What I Believe

I believe we are spiritual beings having a human experience and not the other way around.  It is up to us while we are alive to evolve on a healing journey, finding ways to get back to feeling the most healing emotion we have, and that is love, no matter what circumstances arise. 

I believe when we become conscious of dying, we truly become conscious of living, and begin to live our lives more fully, not only with a sense of urgency, but with that precious sense of infinite possibilities to actually live the lives we love living as a sacred privilege!

Who I Am

First, I am a human being, just like you… who has a full life.  I am passionate and curious about all that life has to offer.  I am a woman, blessed to be a mother of a beautiful daughter and son-in-law, and triply blessed to be a grandmother of 3 wonderful grandchildren.  I am a daughter, a sister, a friend, a niece, a cousin, a caregiver and a hospice volunteer.  I am a breast cancer survivor who knows the importance of deciding how to consciously live life to the fullest, no matter how long we have to live. 

I have been, and always will be, a life-long student and teacher of the human-spiritual dynamic, exploring what it means to be human through the soul’s perspective.  I learn from universal principles, from life, from death, and everything in between, imparting what I learn to inspire and empower others, helping people make their human journey a little easier.

I am a person who cares about making the world a better place.

My Mission

My mission is to guide people through life transitions, whether it be divorce, illness, job change, death and dying, or simply changing your thoughts from here to there, utilizing a process called, Soul Diving.  This process assists you to consciously and effectively navigate your human experience, with a sense of ease and grace, to confidently and courageously live a more purpose-driven, joyous, and fulfilling life.

My Thoughts About Death and Dying

The last transition we make in life is at the end of life (or so we think). 

It is up to each and every one of us to create the most sacred and beautiful experience, holding the spirit of the person who is leaving this world, in high regard, to celebrate his or her life and soul, just as we do when we welcome the spirit of a baby into this world.

Dying is the flip side of birthing, separated by just a breath, and one that touches us in this human-spiritual evolution.  Einstein said a lot of thought provoking quotes, and this one, “Energy never dies, it only changes form,” says it all, especially when experiencing someone who is dying.

It is such an honor to hold the sacred space for individuals, families, and their loved ones, facing the “end of life,” as they dramatically shift their consciousness, intentionally creating a sacred experience, bringing dignity, honor and regard to those who leave this world and to the families who remain.

It is my vision that we change the way we view the dying experience in our world today, to a healing journey, whether it be upon first discovering a possible life-threatening illness, or at the end of life... always with the goal of reaching an ultimate state of peace, well-being, and serenity, where quiet wisdom lives.

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Passionate Living

Passionate Living with Nicole Brandon
Nicole Brandon

Passionate Living with celebrity host Dame Nicole Brandon

Passionate Living is the Ultimate Hub and Go To Place for the world’s moved recognized Visionaries, Celebrities, Wisdom Keepers, Masters and Global Experts to come together and share groundbreaking and astounding information that will change your life.

Passionate Living is Hosted by celebrity Dame Nicole Brandon, known throughout the world as “The Ambassador of Kindness” and the leading expert across the globe on “Reaching it All”

If you are ready to soar to heights you never knew were possible.

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