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Passionate Living, July 20, 2016

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Passionate Living
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Guest, Terry Shintani

Passionate Living with Dame Nicole Brandon and special guest Dr Terry Shintani

President: Formally Designated a "Living Treasure" in 2006, Dr Terry Shintani is one of the youngest individuals to receive this designation. He is a unique physician-nutritionist-community health advocate and medical school professor. He has served the underserved and Native Hawaiian communities throughout his career with hundreds of programs and activities. One of his programs won the highest national award from the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services. He has been featured in News week, CBS This Morning, CNN News, Dateline NBC, and as of 1995, he appears in the Encyclopedia Britannica. As a lawyer, he authored landmark legislation that legalized Native Hawaiian Healing practices so that it may be practiced and preserved. Currently, he serves as the Associate Chair of Complementary and Alternative Medicine at the University of Hawaii School of Medicine and is on the National Advisory Board of the American College of Life style Medicine.


Passionate Living

Passionate Living with Nicole Brandon
Nicole Brandon

Passionate Living with celebrity host Dame Nicole Brandon

Passionate Living is the Ultimate Hub and Go To Place for the world’s moved recognized Visionaries, Celebrities, Wisdom Keepers, Masters and Global Experts to come together and share groundbreaking and astounding information that will change your life.

Passionate Living is Hosted by celebrity Dame Nicole Brandon, known throughout the world as “The Ambassador of Kindness” and the leading expert across the globe on “Reaching it All”

If you are ready to soar to heights you never knew were possible.

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