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Life Changes Show, October 3, 2011

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Life Changes Show
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with Filippo Voltaggio and cohost Mark Laisure, with Executive Producer Dorothy Lee Donahue
Jackie Lapin on LIFEChanges With Filippo
Put One Foot In Front of The Other and Soon Youll Be Walking Into Your New Life!

You could call her Earths Cheerleader. Jackie Lapin is a writer, speaker and visionary who is educating and uniting the planets people to manifest a better, healthier more peaceful and joyful world. She is revealing to humanity its ultimate power for global transformation and leading the call for synchronizing a vision for a new and better realityjust as a football cheerleader unites the stadium in a cheer for victory. In this case, the victory is our very own survival and happiness. She is motivating, urging, rousing and inspiring a unified call to action!

To accomplish this incredible mission, Lapin has founded United World Healing, an international organization designed to unite millions around the world in daily acts of Conscious Creation, to impact the future of the planet. The non-profit organization hosts Vision-Ins around the globe, unifying thousands in specific visions of a harmonious, abundant, peaceful world. Science is discovering that thoughts are energy and they have a powerful ability to affect reality. Unified thought expressed in waves of energy has the ability to exponentially increase the power to create change. Lapin has joined with a group of other like-minded visionaries to manifest and lead this movement for consciously-driven world betterment and to inspire people to become Actionaries, partaking in specific activities for world improvement that support their intentions.

In order to disseminate the knowledge and tools that will facilitate this mass consciousness shift, Lapin has written The Art of Conscious Creation, How You Can Transform the World, the ultimate guidebook to managing your personal energy frequency for the purpose of personal and global transformation. Lapin spent two years researching mind/body/spirit philosophy and practical wisdom, working with acclaimed spiritual leaders, healers, psychics and channellers, and reviewing the science of consciousness before embarking on her book. Lapins real gift is in synthesizing all of the information into a coherent action plan for world transformation, and in providing the content in such a logical, practical and common sense way as to appeal to the average day-to-day personnot just the already spiritually aware. She practices Conscious Creation in her life every day and is teaching the skill to others through lectures, seminars and private counseling.

Jackie Lapins pioneering vision has always been the hallmark of her highly successful ventures. A graduate in journalism from the University of Southern California, she began her professional career as one of the nations first women sportswriters at a time when there were just a handful of women in sports professions at all, working for such entities as the Washington Post, Detroit Free Press and Associated Press. Lapin segued to the media relations field and within two years had launched what would become the nations foremost sports/entertainment/special events PR firm with offices on both coasts. For 30 years, she was known as a leading media relations expert, nationally recognized for assisting companies with generating the publicity that has ensured their success. She was instrumental in launching the worldwide poker phenomenon, demonstrating the power of vision coupled with action. Always a leader, Lapin crafted one of her hobbies--collecting beautiful mineral spheres (polished round rocks)--into the creation of Spheres To You, the first and preeminent company worldwide specializing in the sales of these remarkable specimens from the Earth. She closed that business in order to concentrate her energies on the founding of United World Healing.

When not visioning, meditating, writing, speaking, reading or working with her fellow United World Healing members, Lapin can be found tending the 250 roses at her home, taking pleasure in her friends around the globe, traveling, photographing the world around her and enjoying nature.

Life Changes Show

Life Changes Show with Filippo Voltaggio
Show Host
Filippo Voltaggio

Come and join the conversation about what's going on and what we can do together about it, with it, and for it. We have the choice, we have the power. We can do magic if we just believe!

A show about the changes going on in us, to us, around us, and because of us. Therefore, it's technically a show about "Everything," only with a how to make it better, see it better, be better.

In the show, there is talk about, and with, people who have either been through major changes, are helping others with major changes, or people who are changing the world for the better in a major way.

The show is a one-hour talk show format with a monologue by the host, a 30 minute interview with a guest of note, capped by a "Producer's Wrap" segment, in which Filippo and Co-Host Mark Laisure, and sometimes surprise guests, bring it all home for the listeners in a sometimes humorous and sometimes touching, but always entertaining conversation.

BBS Station 1
Weekly Show
9:00 pm CT
9:55 pm CT
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