Life Changes Show, April 20, 2009
Gabrielas clients are people (adults and children) and animals (large and small domestic and wild). Her gifts as a Healer help clients in different ways. The guidance she shares with her clients can come through her psychic, medium and intuitive gifts to being able to facilitate energy healing on the physical and emotional levels, to helping those needing a home and grounds clearing so they can understand, be empowered and positively transform paranormal disturbances.
Another aspect of her work is helping businesses and professionals work within the Universal Laws of Balance which creates abundance for all even in the trying financial times that are happening today. Her work empowers her clients to continue to grow long after a session has ended. Her clients find they become aware of their own intuitive abilities and then use them in a positive way in their lives. The knowledge she shares with her clients prompts them to be present, emotionally literate and positive so they can move forward in life with confidence and balance.
Her original intention was to only work with animals. Then she found through experience that she had to open her practice to both. She came upon the deep realization that everything is interconnected and therefore working with all beings whether it is with people, animals, ghosts etc or even the planet is absolutely essential to helping bring balance and positive transformations. Her abilities go far beyond animal communication. She is able to facilitate balance between both people and animals creating positive growth and understanding for the well being of all concerned.
In addition to her energetic work, Gabriela is well versed in other forms of holistic healing from homeopathy to herbs to diet and yes, exercise. She knows, that to have balance, not only must the energetic be addressed but also food, supplements and exercise are essentialas we have all heard Mind, Body, Spirit (energy). They must all be working together to create balance for a person or an animal. She guides her clients to research and work with holistic practitioners with the specialties they need.
Before completely dedicating herself to her healing practice, her career consisted of working with a premier advertising agency, one of the largest national training and development companies, her familys 125-year-old business, as well as attending law school. Because of her wide range of life experiences, Gabriela effectively works with people from all walks of life and is sensitive and compassionate with those experiencing hardship in their journey in this life.
She has a deep respect and awareness of the interconnectedness and interdependence of the entire planet, universe and even places we have not yet discovered. She continues to collaborate with healers and intuitives from all walks of life.
Life Changes Show

Come and join the conversation about what's going on and what we can do together about it, with it, and for it. We have the choice, we have the power. We can do magic if we just believe!
A show about the changes going on in us, to us, around us, and because of us. Therefore, it's technically a show about "Everything," only with a how to make it better, see it better, be better.
In the show, there is talk about, and with, people who have either been through major changes, are helping others with major changes, or people who are changing the world for the better in a major way.
The show is a one-hour talk show format with a monologue by the host, a 30 minute interview with a guest of note, capped by a "Producer's Wrap" segment, in which Filippo and Co-Host Mark Laisure, and sometimes surprise guests, bring it all home for the listeners in a sometimes humorous and sometimes touching, but always entertaining conversation.