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Life Changes Show, April 11, 2011

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Life Changes Show
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with Filippo Voltaggio and cohost Mark Laisure, with Executive Producer Dorothy Lee Donahue
Tanja Diamond on LIFEChanges With Filippo
Does Your Life and Business Need More Tantric Energy?

Tanja Diamond, "The Tantra Teacher", C.Ht, NLP, creator of Modern Tantra and Tantra for Business  is a Life Strategist with a specialty in Business, Spirituality and Sexual Intimacy. She has been working in the US and abroad, expanding human consciousness for the past 25 years. She is the author of Beyond Sex: Tantra, a practical guide to extraordinary living.

Tanja Diamonds Credentials and Accomplishments in Her Words...


I am a believer that being a student is what makes life interesting.

I have studied many different ideas, theories, disciplines and philosophies. Sure the initials look cool behind anyone's name, but more importantly is what you do with them. Giving value to others is my life mission. The rest is just icing on the cake.

Creator of Modern Tantra
Author of Beyond Sex: Tantra
Life Mastery Expert Coach
NLP practitioner NLP
Clinical hypnotherapist C.Ht
Time Empowerment techniques TET
Advanced Certified Tantra Educator ACTE
Sexual Intimacy Expert
International sex and relationship trainer
Founder of the Center for Sexual and Spiritual Enlightenment
Founder of Breathe and Believe
Sexual educator ASE
Tantric sexual healer
Holistic sexual healer CHSH
Reiki Master Level IV
Laser Reiki
Life Coach
Intuitive relationship and sexuality counselor
Bach Flower remedy practitioner Level 2
Sound therapies
Vibrational therapies
T-Touch practitioner
EFT, on going training
Meditation teacher
White Tantra educator ( yoga)
White Tigress on going studies
Martial artist
Student of the Millionaire Mind group
Motivational speaker
Radio and Tv personality

Life Changes Show

Life Changes Show with Filippo Voltaggio
Show Host
Filippo Voltaggio

Come and join the conversation about what's going on and what we can do together about it, with it, and for it. We have the choice, we have the power. We can do magic if we just believe!

A show about the changes going on in us, to us, around us, and because of us. Therefore, it's technically a show about "Everything," only with a how to make it better, see it better, be better.

In the show, there is talk about, and with, people who have either been through major changes, are helping others with major changes, or people who are changing the world for the better in a major way.

The show is a one-hour talk show format with a monologue by the host, a 30 minute interview with a guest of note, capped by a "Producer's Wrap" segment, in which Filippo and Co-Host Mark Laisure, and sometimes surprise guests, bring it all home for the listeners in a sometimes humorous and sometimes touching, but always entertaining conversation.

BBS Station 1
Weekly Show
9:00 pm CT
9:55 pm CT
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