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Inner Hippie Club, November 22, 2021

Inner Hippie Club Radio Show 22 November 2021
Show Headline
Inner Hippie Club
Show Sub Headline
with Esther de Charon de Saint Germain, Alyssa Couture and Jane Rose and the Deadend Boys

Esther de Charon de Saint Germain explains why being yourself is so difficult in Fireside Stories.

Alyssa Couture takes the Talking Stick and talks about her book and passion for fashion as a medicine.

Jane Rose and the Deadend Boys delight listeners on Music Spotlight.

Guest, Esther de Charon de Saint Germain

Guest Name
Esther de Charon de Saint Germain
Esther de Charon de Saint Germain
Guest Category
Guest Occupation
Self-Love advocate, business and brand strategist
Guest Biography

Esther de Charon de Saint Germain

I am a Self-Love advocate, business and brand strategist, known by many as The Brave Branding and Business Queen!

I'm the founder of the Brave Self-Love Movement that started with me writing The Wonderfully Weird Woman's Manual and has grown into an international movement of amazing action-taking female entrepreneurs who are brave, smart, sensitive and way too special to fit the traditional A to Z business mold.

I'm help entrepreneur grow their business making money doing what they love the most - by loving all of themselves. My clients are done with generic courses. They want a personalized approach where they are the center of attention. 

I am a personal brand, marketing, communication and design Expert, an Art Historian, Certified Transformational Coach and Counselor who lives and works on an old farm in the North of the Netherlands.

I’ve got a 25 + year corporate track record in the field of International Culture, Arts & Design and as consultant and manager with Big Brands like KLM, ING Banking, the European Union and the Red Cross and small idealistic brands.

I know the online business world like the back of my hand and I'm sort of a new media freak - I can make websites and code with my eyes closed.

I'm an introverted catalyst, a loud-mouthed introvert. A Highly Sensitive Person who happens to be a very intuitive empath. A multi-racial woman of color. A buyer of way-too-many art supplies and books, a quick-witted, very smart creator, and very often the Odd-One-Out.

Yay to all the Pink Sheep! We are often the ones who bring change, insight and transformation.

I love opera with bad endings, Jasmin tea… and art (with a passion!) chocolate, books, drawing, red lipstick, long philosophic talks, laughter attacks and shoes.

Guest, Alyssa Couture

Guest Name
Alyssa Couture
Alyssa Couture
Guest Occupation
Fashion author and fashion entrepreneur
Guest Biography

Alyssa Couture is a fashion author and fashion entrepreneur. She feels fashion is an opportunity to attain health and healing. She claims the existence of fashion can be interpreted and experienced with a deeper purpose: fashion as an alternative medicine for mind/body/spirit. Her sole motive is to bring fashion into its course as a therapeutic, healing tool. To awaken the consciousness of the human spirit via fashion into its transmission of divine activity for overall human wellbeing and ultimate planetary awakening. She had founded three small businesses, only one of which she is currently producing. The business she is focused on is her fashion campaign HEALTHY FASHION: creating innovative solutions for a healthier kind of fashion. It’s a platform to raise awareness of the health effects of apparel. Healthy Fashion discloses important, relative content to revamp fashion for a healthier planet, but above all, it serves for the health and livelihood of humans. It is to empower and preserve Earth, humans, and plant service .

Healthy Fashion is a forward-thinking book that tunes into a modern lifestyle. Fashion as modern medicine is a relatively new concept, an advanced approach.  It taps into the potential of what fashion is and can become. It is made to inspire, empower, and invoke this sense of a positive attitude, that’s new-dimensional.  This book will certainly broaden perspective, and make the reader feel + look beautiful.






Guest, Jane Rose and The Deadend Boys

Guest Name
Jane Rose and The Deadend Boys
Jane Rose and The Deadend Boys
Guest Category
Guest Occupation
Musician, singer, guitarist, songwriter
Guest Biography

Jane Rose and The Deadend Boys are an Alt-Country, Rockabilly, Blues band hailing from Nashville, TN. Fronted by the powerhouse vocals of Jane Rose, and backed by the rhythmic stylings of some of Nashville's finest musicians, you'll hear them coming from a state away!  The band was founded in 2010 stemming from Jane’s life-long love affair with the culture and styles of these genres.

They tour the country extensively and are featured at many hot-rod/car shows year round. Make sure to take notice, this band is a force to be reckoned with!


Jane Rose (vocals/guitar/songwriter)

Jane Rose grew up fast and mean and, at age 13, she committed her first heinous act of cold bloodedness… 3 men lost their souls, consumed by Jane’s powerfully sultry and soulful voice.  Jane got caught up in the heat of the moment while overtaking her fourth victim, and was sent to lock down in the Muhlenberg Penitentiary. Jane found redemption playing violin in the penitentiary church band, and harnessed the power of her soul and heartache-filled past into her music and song-writing. This purge led to the creation of such songs as How Could You and Death Becomes Him (available on the CD Poultricide).

Upon her release from Muhlenberg, she formed The Jane Rose Band, belting out over 50 original songs during their five-year run in the Louisville, KY area. But once again, Jane’s voice landed her behind bars. During her short incarceration, she scoured the land of craigslist, posting ads in search of musicians as crazy as she, who wanted to live out of a van and travel to every po-dunk town across all corners of the world. Jane just couldn't resist the calling of the slappin’ upright bass and the quick-cut time beat of the drums - and that Gretsch hollow body she had been drooling over since age 13. She assembled a group of deadend boys that perfectly fit the bill. The day she was released, The Deadend Boys snatched her up in the murder van and they’ve been on the road ever since.

Well behaved women rarely make history. -Marilyn Monroe

( let’s f*** shit up! -Jane Rose)

Inner Hippie Club

Inner Hippie Club with Silke Harvey
Show Host
Silke Harvey

The Inner Hippie Club is a virtual meeting place for listeners who want to release and nurture their Inner Hippie, that carefree teenage feeling before life got serious - an eclectic mix of talk shows and music.

Each week, Silke Harvey, your host, talks about what it takes to be a truly carefree and happy Inner Hippie and invites inspiring female entrepreneurs and businesswomen to her virtual fireside in "Fireside Stories".

They tell you how they've broken up with society's expectations and are leading their dream lives. Their stories are powerful. They'll make you laugh. They'll make you cry. They'll make you grateful to be alive in these amazing times where women all over the world are rising up to reclaim their rightful places in society as thought leaders, visionaries, and storytellers.

Guests from all walks of life take the Talking Stick and tell the listeners a bit about themselves, their business and/or their cause. Get inspired, get tips, tricks, and advice that can help you to live like the true Inner Hippie you know deep down you are.

But of course, no Inner Hippie can ever be complete without music! After all, music is food for the soul!

Each week is rounded off with the "Music Spotlight" where talented indie musicians delight listeners with their great tunes.

So come on over and join the Inner Hippie Club for thoughtful discussion, fun, and laughter. Phoning in and participating is highly encouraged on this show!

*** Keep on scrolling down to listen to previous shows from the archives! ***

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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

in a hippy cup radio show on CBS radio station one with the whole still katabi every Monday at 1 p.m. CT<br> welcome everybody to the in a hippy cup radio show on PBS radio station one on this 22nd of November 2021 in the studio today we have some so I can guess with. Esthetician Rammstein German and she is self-love Advocate business and Browning strategist and known by many as the bright Browning in business, and on Fireside stories she is going to tell us how hard it is being yourself and yes it really is hard being yourself so listen in to her because if you want to find out how you can be authentic how we can be yourself Esther is the girl to go to Esther is the expert in her field so come down on the go on to the Talking Stick with Alyssa catcher who is a fashion author and fashion entrepreneur and she feels that fashion isn't up with you<br> 10 health and healing in her book healthy Fashions she tunes into a modern lifestyle fashion as a modern medicine and no relatively new concept and it's an advanced approach so it's really intriguing she has a lot of interesting things to tell the audience out there and yes you should have some medicine. It's really something you we should all listen to that because she has some really really interesting concept and from then on to the end of the show with the music Spotlight because no in a hippie should ever go without music and today we have Jane Rose and the dead end boys and alternative country rockabilly blue spawned from Nashville Tennessee so that it's lots of good stuff coming up today<br> we go on to Fireside stories with esthetician on the Saint Germain after the commercial<br> oh you strong and free are you living a life of your dreams after breaking up with society's expectations and do you want to tell your story to inspire other women around the world at the same time elevate your business by becoming a best-selling author then apply to be in strong and free stories of women who are living the dream off the breaking up with society's expectations that's an upcoming multi all the book by in a happy birthday and we are still looking for amazing Women Amazing Stories know so if you are strong and free apply at ww.w dump in the hippie books don't come I receive and become a strong and three best selling<br> some will come everybody will on to the Fireside Story part of the in a hippie Club radio show and in the studio with us today is aesthetician Rhonda signs your mind and she is going to tell us a story about being yourself and how it really Harper is take it away Esther thank you so much and I just create I thought it would be a good idea to create a video with all my epic video mistakes because I have all these videos on my phone and from 2016 till now and so I created this video it's more than four minutes of me<br> messing up a video and it's and it's a mean it like epic epic epic fails because there are lives in there where my camera is upside down and and so the interesting thing is that there is a real<br> there is Improvement at work showing up again and again and again really work so it it starts with me with really beautiful long hair being completely Frozen no like like it at they're looking in in the headlights trying to be someone I thought I needed to be like like like the perfect business person and trying to say perfect things and so what I realized while<br> bringing all these videos together is that the moment and I can see this again and again and again the moment I stopped being perfect the moment I stopped listening to myself all the time I fly and so the thing that's are obstacle and so this is not just my obstacle I'm 100% certain this is everyone's obstacle is trying to be perfect trying to do the perfect thing so I run a business in English and my native tongue is Dutch so I hear myself saying things like ding ding instead of things and so I hear myself making all those mistakes and then I'm trying to look straight into the camera and then I forget about that<br> I go into words and so every time I got home every time I run into my own judgmental as whole story might I it stops and I think this is the reason why I think this is important is because this is why a lot of women and probably men as well stop showing up because after the 54th take of you looking like they're into the headlights if your own camera it's not funny anymore so it starts out being funny and then it's not funny anymore because it's exhausting<br> sweaty armpits the whole thing and then what happens is that I start thinking well this is nothing is not going to work who will ever want to watch me or why do I look like that that's why am I not more perfect by why, I speak perfect English and what's wrong with me and then<br> it's really easy to just quit and<br> what I so am I actually in hindsight really move me<br> is that I saw myself struggling through all those videos all those takes every time doing it again then again and again and then suddenly seeing that's the professionalism starts to disappear into souls and that's acceptance and self-acceptance becomes stronger than the self then to professionalism<br> and that it's really it's I love seeing my cell phone camera I love when I'm passionate about something and just like we keep coming out and that's only happened and I could see this really crazy after I accepted myself after I okay I am not perfect it's not going to be perfect I can hire a perfect spectral I can hire a studio but the only thing that's still matters is me being me and<br> that makes sense right<br> so being being yourself is is really hard and I think we're always being myself but I text mental mind and are judgemental why should I actually should be more like her or him or like this or like some idea where we have about a cell are judgmental mine gets is<br> it's is the obstacle between really being ourselves now once we're being ourselves a flying once we're in flow once we're just like Bill that would keep coming and and it's almost like they drop out of the sky that is the moment when people decide whether or not they like or whether they weather is what you have to say is worth their time<br> so it's it's all about perfectionism and it's all about letting go of perfectionism and so I've been speaking about this so often but I really really clearly could see it right now this morning when I created the video and so it's it's practice practice practice keep going do not give up and it's an Excel love and self-acceptance and just looking at yourself with soft and loving eyes and say hey<br> you're actually pretty wonderful and you're not perfect so who cares but you're real and you are you and so I was I was I was seeing this and was supposed to see this whole the whole it's a transformation actually<br> that's a beautiful story. Thank you for sharing that I know that's you actually run your own business where you specialize in teaching women all about self-love and how to show up I win with those kind of nothing else that you just spoke about to tell us more about your business<br> Absalom has self-love Advocate business and brand strategist<br> I struggled I really really really struggles with self not because I used to be the queen of self-hate for<br> at least until I was thirty-eight or so I was really like I was so rude and self-hate and self-doubt and sell whatever negative<br> you're focused on<br> and so it took me a very long time to really love myself and I realized that it's almost like a muscle and it's really easy for its being an entrepreneur and just follow<br> I followed guidance if I do this do their push that button open the door it's so easy the thing that makes it really hard is our judgments of mine and the fact that we don't that is really difficult to feel like you are enough to feel that you are loveable to feel that who you are is and it's it just okay so what I do is I combined self-love and branding and marketing<br> and I saw her run the membership self-love success club for amazing amazing self-love for Norris so we my client and I are growing a business and a brand that is found on self-love<br> always love yourself which is an ongoing War always love yourself and then have all the techniques and all the go here do their this do they open the door like that<br> the action taking stuff and so we mix us and that's how they grow their business because it's<br> when you launch for instance there's a lot of pressure on you because you so it's it's<br> launching in itself is it is not difficult it's just do something and then closest open the card and close the cards and and then sell that's it it's it's not more complicated than that however what happened is that just not say it's an ordinary law and at the launch start with you giving away something so it's let's say you<br> it's it's a book writing it's it's a it's a it's a book writing a program and it's all about helping people and in the long as you help people to come up with the title of the book everything is amazing and it's for free and people love it and you love it and it feels so good and then you tell people okay so this was for free and now we're going to tell you something and then suddenly everything changed because there are a lot of people who don't want to buy anything they just want to get something and then there is a small group of people who love to buy from you but they need to know what it is that you're doing these are all little triggers that make you go like oh when I have to sell these before they they will never going to pay me for it<br> I think they hate me and they're all quiet I'm doing it all wrong why would they even buy from me I might just drop out and stop I've just going to hide and was going to show up and so those weeks between you telling people that you have something to that they can buy something from you and and close two-car do 7 or 4:14 or 3 or whatever day can be hell<br> and so if you're not prepared to go in on the self-love and self-acceptance in those week<br> it's it's it's a case people it's where they drop out because then nothing happens and they send that one email and then the second email and then someone says well you're sending out a lot of emails and then you feel horrible because I know what might they think so all these triggers are old General challenges to our selves love so when your self love is not really sturdy and and and strong<br> it's it's gone and you're left alone in a puddle of self-loathing and nobody likes me and I will never make it and you might think this is expectorated but this is this is what happens to everyone so even very very false people in business they go can go crazy in dogs open card weeks which is one of the things that make things so difficult<br> so how do I hide or how did I get that all about why sell myself love and self-acceptance and self compassion and all the good selfies are truly truly important when you're an entrepreneur<br> basically a full-time because we are being triggered all the time and then we all the time think there is something wrong with me there is nothing wrong with you it's just life<br> but we don't have a really real riddles we should get self-love at school self-love self-acceptance self-compassion self-confidence it should be taught in every school why why don't they teach this<br> absolutely absolutely I can identify with so many things you said that it's really hard especially when you an intrapreneur in the online world when I experienced that myself I did brick-and-mortar business for many years and then changing to the online world everything was different in an instance and it does make you wonder about yourself and question yourself especially when those typical negative comments come in. Everybody gets on social media it can be a very hard thing and that's why I think what you're doing is very important thank you so much for that your farewell negative comments you need to get them comedy do not remove them I mean you can hide them but do not delete them and the reason is because the algorithm<br> Coleman's so if people are stupid and it doesn't care whether it's a good comment or negative comments so dumb or whatever it is that people think they need to say the better because the algorithm will show your post-war people yes definitely I what time is almost up so it was a pleasure having you in the studio today and listen to your story and thank you so much for coming Esther wonderful to be here and thank you for making me double think the whole transformation story that it's really great you're very welcome for anybody who wants to get in touch with esta all the details and clickable links will be on the show page so you can just scroll down and look her up and get in touch with her<br> you are listening to the end I hit the club radio show on CBS radio station on with your host turkey Hobbit<br> oh you strong and free are you living a life of your dreams after breaking up with society's expectations and do you want to tell your story to inspire other women around the world and at the same time elevate your business by becoming a best-selling author then apply to be in strong and free stories of women who are living the dream off the breaking up with society's expectations that's an upcoming motor oil the book Buy in a happy birthday and we are still looking for amazing Women Amazing Stories know so if you are strong and free apply at ww.w dump in a hippie books don't come I receive and become a strong and three best selling author<br> Grandma coming on to the Talking Stick section of the in a hippie cover radio show and I welcome in the studio today at least I could do so welcome to the studio let's give you the Talking Stick thank you so much for having me my name is Alyssa and I have a company called healthy fashion campaign and I am a fashion author in fashion entrepreneur and I'm also in energy healer and I dabble into the metaphysic work with planetary healing so that actually kind of is a part of my work with healthy fashion I incorporate how we can heal the planet with fashion and actually use<br> Pasion Tequila Planet it's very an interesting concept and topics that I like to talk about and it is very heavily researched on eco and sustainable fashion however there is not a lot of talk about fashion for house so a lot of these topics that I will be speaking about is sort of unusual to even the fashion history the mainstream fashion history or the alternative fashion is great but what I kind of wanted to speak to you guys about is tell you my story on how fashion has been healing me<br> and how I use fashion to heal my body and my mind and my soul and before I actually didn't even really get into like holistic fashion I was still wearing clothes that were pinching and poking and pulling and just struggling I was almost like having a<br> fight with Garnett and I realized that as part of my work that there's ways where we can actually build a wardrobe that can function as a healing modality a tool a way of frequency energy frequency and a force in our own lives that can really make us feel more enlightened and some of what I have really kind of embarked in as I have researched fashion psychology and part of that is the archetypes the fashion archetypes and versus The Stereotype so you know about the you know we call everyone like different types of stereotypical names like<br> the Rockstar or the the The Jock so instead of calling someone seeing someone's fashion as being like jock like you're a jock what cuz you're wearing and said we can call him in an adventure can call my hero because that's the archetype of The Jock so what we're doing is we're kind of advancing our perception of how we perceive people's way of dress and that's just one piece we also have<br> and this is for your inner soul in your inner being cuz if there's a spiritual awakening happening on this planet there is a new dimension of healing happening and you know even I would I would say that it is a New Concept to bring are fashioned into a realm of making it up a source of medicine medicine we could wear the plants the plants the sacred plant medicine we could do the ergonomic design we can dress and design ergonomically for efficiency for comfort for for Pure like<br> I mean talking shearcomfort meaning it's when you wear it you know you don't feel that you don't fuss with it and a lot of garments out there I personally have found that it is hard to find<br> non fatty closed so that's why I wear a lot of athleisure cuz it's just super comfortable and it's orgonomic and it's easy but all all all types of clothes matter all types of style John Schnatter in this is also in part of the ideas of universal fashion that we breed into this world into this community and globally and that is we all kinds of dress the different types of style genres we all incorporate you know the Bohemian we incorporate the modern and we incorporate the minimal it would incorporate all of his style genres then it doesn't matter what we where we are actually taking heart of a holistic remedy we are actually creating<br> actually more intellectual them for ourselves because fashion is not just in our it is a form of intellectual communication so there's this passion language that I have tried to betray it in in the concepts the book and in my campaign and it is not it's not near these are ancient remedies a lot of the the words that I speak of is not new but it's news because he really wants you to bring about fashion for the mental body fashion for the physical body fashion for the energy body fashion for the spiritual body and I have created a Maybach and I'm not trying to keep talking about my butt but I've created these Concepts in feature I feature fashion for the mind I feature<br> fashion for the body and when we take into consideration that we are a multi-dimensional being and we have to actually use Bastion in a multi-dimensional way and we all we all kind of already to we're already activating Health in our fashion we all use our fashion whether conscious or not it is already a tool but when we when we actually you know are more conscious of it and become more understanding of it then then we're going to actually be able to<br> use it activate it and use it like at the tool to modality<br> I'm really really fascinated and intrigued by the concept of using the year clothing for like healing energy body because I'm a Reiki master myself now working with the chakras and when when you teach people how to balance the chakras it's always about wear clothing in the color of the chakra to activated and is it also ties in with all the modalities of like color color therapy and they so much out there that already works with colors and energy so it read it ties in with your clothing is probably makes sense to me anyway so let's let's talk a bit more about that the energy side of things and how the clothing can actually help with balance in your energy<br> yes that's perfect and that's exactly what I talk about with you know the colors in the aura I don't get I don't like you no talk about it too much but that's the very interesting aspects wearing colors for your aura and a lot of the energy clearing that we can do it in terms of energy laundering is a simple and very very profound way that we can take the excess energies in residual - toxins off the body so what we are constantly doing is when we wear most specifically when we wear plants when we are the Fabrics all these emotional energies are being absorbed into our Fabrics in when we launder them we are. Pretty much laundering away those emotions were lying it we're clearing them<br> so it's over it's like a total at balancing and way too and you can use sea salt you can actually you're going to have to laundry room you can spray your clothing with essential oils or Crystal Essences I know there's the gem elixirs that would be a nice one you can just spray it with water and it it clears and enhances the closing but there is so much that we can talk about how energy and clothing is affects the body and one being I guess we can talk about something that is really important to me is I have researched the the Angels the ascended masters some of the more Divine realm beings even you know at the fairy Realms and their clothing and even the monks in a Swami's in the priest and the priest<br> the weather to the holy robe and when you are kind of in the presence of a row it's not even just the person when you're in the presence of a robe it's like a pure blessing so our clothing is actually a blessing to others when they see them if the prayer and our clothing can actually enhance a divine presence within it can also seal and lock in the light Force I had done some research and found out that in Europe in ancient times what they did was they design their clothing to mimic their holy temples the architecture of their holy temples because the Holy Temple for them was the idea that it held the light Force within the way<br> they design their clothes and when it was a form of protection it was like a actual architectural design of a holy church and they spell so that it would lock and seal in their late force and their Spirit you know you know we're always doing this Soul retrieval and retrieval and what we can do is with our clothes we can lock it in we can use the clothing as a form of protection as a form of armor and I just think that's really beautiful and it's also it's a protecting her energy body it in in every form and every way<br> and I I just find that to be phenomenal and that's when I'm actually going to be talkin about a little bit in my second book more so I'm going to do some by there will be a second. But with this this first book I'm just so excited about it and I'm and I'm very glad that she or you're interested in it I know what your inner happy Club it totally resonates with your inner happy Club because I am definitely I have it you know an inner hippie within me there's just no question I I want to give people fashion that harness as it got in her happy I want it I want to give people ideas of how we can dress in our wardrobe and be able to cultivate that usefulness like he was sad the usefulness and you know the inner teenager that that that price<br> because that it that is like the holy presence when we're young and we have our life all of our life force contained and then as We Grew Older we said we kind of lose our life for us a little bit so I believe with with the inner happy club and your involvement<br> and it is a very important that topic it's an important aspect of life that we all have to really engage in an N work with thank you very much and I totally agree. Clothing is very important in releasing you in a happy because I always find that as we grow older and it will mature or grown up or whatever you want to call it and we tend to get more sensible or stop worrying about what people think or go with fashion trends and<br> yeah we tend to buy clothes and put them on only because everybody else. You know that's how many Trends and most of the time when I'm talking to my clients and they don't necessarily feel comfortable in their clothes and put it on because they work in corporate of the expected to be wearing the suit but they probably would be far happier in jeans and a t-shirt for example so when I always tell my clients that it's really important to wear what you want even if it's totally against the fashion if it breaks every Trend if the other people think your color choice is a horrible and horrendous if if the patterns don't match if it doesn't matter because if you were really happy and it's like comfortable in those coffins and it lights you up from the inside and you look at your clothes and you think I love these patterns that that's all that matters<br> yeah that's perfect I agree with you 100% that that's everything you said is really true to actually my ideas Envision I feel like it's very important has a fashion intuitive I like to call myself that we we embrace the clothing that we want and that we need and you know if it's not comfortable like say this office suits that don't have any scratch and if it's not comfortable it's almost like a sacrifice and I believe on this planet we have done a lot of sacrificing and in the name of fashion and I think we're we're headed in these modern times as<br> we want this jeans and t-shirts we want those at comfortable clothes that give to us that that you know we can I say that we can make fast and do the work for us and this new approach is is it new well I mean technically it's it's not very common when I talk about you know safe Fabrics with herbal dyes that actually or treatments Fabrics with aloe vera treatments and different types of herbs and when we when these Fabrics are placed on our body they they actually sleep into the bloodstream and we're getting it the Curative properties of these of a medicinal herbal fabrics and just as well as some of the<br> is it more cellular Fabrics like Rami have linen pencil Tina kappock Cattails have all of these different plants are going to become more and more popular because right now we're only using cotton and linen predominantly and that's really a 1% Market in the textile industry about 90% of the textiles right now with polyester and you know you know about it like it's a non-renewable resource it's the pH is not perfect for a body I still wear polyester coat keeps me warm I'm not against polyester but I say it's the fashion of all we're going to be getting into a more heavily<br> involve plant-based textile industry and it's because plants just do so much for us in a medicinal way in a therapeutic way we just need plants and when we go out into the Wilderness you have this instant meditation or relaxation feeling and when we actually dress and do these plants were actually getting that feeling weather or not it's recognized but brings me to another question you said the proposed yesterday renewable also<br> the fashion industry has gotten very heavy impact on the environment especially the industry as it is now I mean there are many negative stood in the way I fix a burn to lose so many gallons of water is scary and you said nearly all of the clothing that are made from plants of cotton or linen that promotes mother couches which is not good at all for the environment and then we have all this plastic paste text. Definitely not good for the planet so where'd you see this whole thing going how can we change the industry maybe to make sure it's okay 10 most sustainable and the whole the whole way we dress doesn't necessarily impact so much on the planet<br> so this is a very important question and I'm very glad you asked so right now we are dealing with cotton and linen and we love plants and personally I still would promote cotton over polyester any day you know there's ways around where where they're doing a dry list treatment and and stuff but for they can you reuse water there's ways to reuse water but it anyways it's a big the scariest part is that there's a lotta gml 90% cotton is Gmail so I have kind of a bummer I mean it's really it's it's it's not it's not fun so I'm thinking let's make this paradise on planet Earth with cultivating<br> multiple types of plants gives back in history South America would use 650 different types of plants for textile use so this is actually going to be the kitty because what we can do is we can stir the economy the social economy the the financial economy we can we can stir the echologics on planet Earth by using a Aquatics we have we have aquatic aquatic plants like a water Hyacinth stem Lotus stem that we have to make the textile Machinery to make this go mass production excuse me to make it mass produced but we can use like I said there's the aquatic plants then there's the<br> wild weeds the invasive weeds we can use and turn into textiles and their studies their studies out there specific wild weeds like Cattails for instance milkweed their perfect alternative down cuz you know the fluff inside Cattails milkweed the fluff they that can be a perfect use for an alternative down if we if we don't want to he's probably fail or feathers so we had that the seaweed plants there's studies and test being done for C we plant so we want to bring in a rusher in lots of plants I know there's kappock is in nice alternative down plant as well<br> and then we have Rami we have 10 so we have Gina we have<br> all sorts of linen all sorts of different types of Santa and I actually talked in my book I have a glossary of 36 different types of plants and I described each one and how they were either used in the past if they're used in the present and if they're being studied and tested for the Future these these types of plants I believe I believe using multiple types of plants versus to plants is going to be able to reduce and remove the excess polyester use because we really we really don't have any any other way<br> and there's lots of like lyocell we can do a tencel lyocell we don't have to it doesn't have to be extremely all like a labor produced we can make we can make textile machinery and it's being done for instance a scientist took a corn stalk took the corn Leaf off of the Corn and he developed a machine to take the lease off the corn and use the leaves as a textile as a new a new textile new fabric actual corn kernels is being in is being done but it I I don't really believe in Geo the corn kernel fabric is the best to wear topically cuz it's very highly condensed like a sugar<br> but this. But the least covers it is a great idea as a as a way to turn it into textiles so this is just<br> that's just one idea so we can we can build the textile Machinery we can use the hundreds of different options out there I mean Rose there they're using Rose stems now there are taking the rose bush stem and it's a nice silky luster lustrous fabric aloe vera using aloe vera the leaf of the aloe vera and that's also when I silky less stress tactility to fabric but it's it's really exciting I believe it's an exciting saying and it's something that's going to be the future I can say it but it's going to happen with or without me I'm not I mean it's going to happen it's just going to happen it's such a person I think topic but sadly but coming to the end of the year it was already after I could talk all evening<br> about this it really is fascinating but thank you so much for being in the studio today and before you go tell our listeners where they can find you online and thank you again for having me and you can go ahead and find me at HF at sages and healthy Ephesus passion I look forward to seeing y'all and thank you so much silk for silky for having me you're very welcome it's my pleasure and for all the listeners out there all the details of Alyssa also going to be on the show page and they'll be clickable link so it will be easy for you to look her up<br> you are listening to the Energy Cup radio show on PBS radio station on with your host turkey Hobbit<br> oh you strong and free are you living a life of your dreams after breaking up with society's expectations and do you want to tell your story to inspire other women around the world at the same time elevate your business by becoming a best-selling author then apply to be in strong and free stories of women who are living the dream of the breaking up with society's expectations that's an upcoming motor oil the book by in a happy birthday and we are still looking for amazing Women Amazing Stories know so if you are strong and free apply on www. In the hippie books don't come I receive and become a strong and three best selling author<br> well we're onto the music of Clyde and today we have Jane Rose and didn't always there on on ternative Country rockabilly blues band hailing from Nashville Tennessee and prompted by the PowerHouse vocals of Jamie Rose and back by the rhythmics timing of some of Nashville's finest musicians you'll hear them coming from a state away the bamboo strong it in 2010 stemming from James lifelong love affair with the culture and styles of these genres they choose to come to extensively and I featured many Hot Rod Car Shows or make sure to take notice this is supposed to be reckoned with<br> would I ever let you go<br> not for all the go over all the diamonds and the Queens<br> Google<br> like his magic lamp the bathroom the title<br> not for nothing<br> oh you strong and free are you living a life of your dreams after breaking up with society's expectations and do you want to tell your story to inspire other women around the world at the same time elevate your business by becoming a best-selling author then apply to be in strong and free stories of women who are living the dream off the breaking up with society's expectations that's an upcoming motor oil the book Buy in a happy birthday and we are still looking for amazing Women Amazing Stories know so if you are strong and free apply on ww.w dump in the hippie books don't come I receive and become a strong and three best selling author<br> well that's why was James Rosen the dead and boys with no fun nothing I just love her truck and if you want to find out more about this grade rockabilly alternative country bands you can find them online or on Facebook they have their own Facebook group you can also find them on their own page Jane Rose and The Dead Boys on Facebook and you can go to ww.w. Jane Rose music don't come but all those details will be on the show page they'll be clickable links so if you want to find out more about this great but just look him up online<br> and this is already the end of the show Almost my goodness as usual. Went fast and we are closing with the in a hypocrite because to being in a hippie it takes practice right so every day we have to do a little bit to remind ourselves how to being in a hippie today I want to<br> encourage you to stop creating<br> creating is a beautiful process it gets your creativity going it is an act of mindfulness while she's creating you are not thinking about any of the other clutter in your mind well that was cool to chapter in Monkey because you're focusing on what you're doing you're most likely child to engage with it because when you're creating you're doing something that you're passionate about so it's perfect way of clearing the mind and also getting your creativity out there so go out there and create a piece of poetry of writing just experiment to find out what form of creative expression is the right one for you and then sit down for at least 10 minutes each and every day and start creating your art it doesn't matter if you're any good at it you're not trying to become the next Picasso a Hemingway you do this purely for you<br> enjoyment it does not matter what other people think you don't even have to show it to other people you just want to do something that you totally enjoy and then you focus your mind on it<br> you will not trick me, and for once you're creating this article is no way you can think of anything else when you were in the creative thinking process<br> so<br> go out there and do something write a poem just do a drawing or painting maybe write a song and you never know you might even discover on your challenge you never knew your huh that's is the very essence of being an in the hip doing the things you love doing them because you fancy doing them and never mind what other people think about it<br> so with that have a beautiful day and just before I go I would like to remind you once again the launch of strong and free my beautiful most hit with a book is coming up very shortly on 17th of December and you can still become an ulcer that are still a few last-minute office box left and I will be plenty of help and advice to get your story in this through before the year is out if you want to be a best-selling author just get in touch with me all the details out on the page you can just send me a message I'm still looking for a handful of office they still a little space left in the book I'd love to hear from you if you have a story about being strong and free and how are you broke up with society's expectations<br> of course if you want to read this amazing book this book with lots of stories of amazing women and each woman has managed to overcome obstacles and be strong and free it will be an amazing read so it'll be out there on the 17th of December but I'll be telling you more about it as the weeks go on and it gets nearer and I'd love to see you at the book launch it will be released on Amazon Kindle initially and then I said that will be a paper bag so I'm really really excited about it already<br> have a lovely day<br> go out there create being in a hippie I'd see you next week Monday same time on CBS radio station wild Hunt you for listening to the in a hippie Club radio show on PBS radio station gone with your hotel Key Harvey see you again next week same place same time Mondays at 1 p.m. CT<br>

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