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Health Frontiers, May 17, 2006

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Courtesy of BBS Radio

Guest: Rima Laibow, MD

Co-director of HealthFreedomUSA.  She has studied the 1600 pages of the Codex Alimentarius which is an international conspiracy to eliminate Alternative Medicine. This legislation claims to be protecting the consumer, but in fact will prevent the sale of vitamins and herbs without prescription as well as allowing the continuation of false labeling and radiation - which is already taking place even on organic foods. This Food Codex has already been passed in our country and many countries around the world. The full extent of this legislation will begin in two years when a prescription for Vitamin C could cost $100.  If we want to protect our ability to buy the herbs and vitamins that protect our health, we must take action to have this bill reversed.

Health Frontiers

Health Frontiers with Lexi Ross
Show Host
Lexi Ross

Lexie Ross will be discussing the latest technology in subtle energy medicines, the healing of emotional and physical miasms and other cutting edge healing modalities.

A pioneer in the field of Alternative Health, Lexie Ross has been a journalist and producer for 24 years. She began her career with Corinthian Broadcasting creating magazine format shows for television. She has written for literally every publication in Atlanta, Ga. and in the mid-eighties, was the first to publish articles and interviews about the Human Potential movement. She also wrote a column on holistic health for the Asheville Citizen Times.

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