American Truth Finders, April 12, 2015

American Truth Finders with Neil Douglas and special guest, Alexandra May Hunter
Guest, Alexandra May Hunter

Because of her love of nature, the great outdoors, Earth’s bountiful gifts of natural resources, clean air and water, animals, marine life, wild life and all plant life “Lexie” Alexandra May Hunter has been an environmental activist for 40 years. She began doing volunteer service in her hometown community of Barrington, Illinois when her children were young where she acted as The Environmental Awareness Director for her children’s school district. Ms. Hunter is also a published photographer and writer & master equestrienne who now resides in Phoenix, Arizona.
During the course of her 24+ year business law career she has become an environmental law expert and has practiced as a Contract Manager concisely drafting, analyzing, advising, negotiating and successfully closing very complex technical high revenue deals for American based corporations. She has a sub specialty in environmental law, intellectual property, media law, commercial real estate, the UCC, labor law, corporate governance, railroad law, health care and IT, estates and trusts as well as training employees on best practices, corporate policies, labor law and complex legal issue matters. She is highly adept at handling extremely complex issues often in very contentious adversarial settings where she navigates easily and brings the parties to a meeting of the minds that is a win-win for all involved. She is an expert at analyzing complex verbiage, issues and concepts and boiling down the ambiguous complexity to the root cause principal issues at hand making it easy for understanding and communicating. She is an expert researcher and draftsperson.
Alexandra became aware of the currently in effect geoengineering program approximately 3 years ago and she set to devoting all of her time and energy to conducting an in depth thorough fact based analysis and research of the entire scope of the history, chronology, laws, science and technology, engineering, congressional oversight and removal of such oversight, the United Nations and countries participation, the military industrial complex, the banking system, the past & current day political system, non-governmental organizations (“NGO”), private foundations, entities, trusts and individuals funding the many facets of the program as well as all of the principal persons involved with regards to the global implementation, operation and cover up of the covert program. On June 25, 2014, in a precedent setting action at the State level, Alexandra delivered actual legal notice of the currently in effect program & non-consent at a public meeting in Kingman, Arizona to State Senator Dr. Kelli Ward and 2 lawyers, Sherri Zendri & Beth Hager of the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (“ADEQ”). During her speech she recited the precise Arizona laws which govern the scope of the issue, the historical & scientific facts, fact based background and present day on-going activities thereto and the affirmative truth that the state of Arizona does have legal jurisdiction over the currently in effect program.
After attending the first anti-geoengineering conference on Los Angeles, California in August of 2012 where she initiated, built and has maintained relationships with all the content experts on this matter, she has devoted her entire life, attention and abilities to this dire global survival matter. She has been a guest on many radio interview programs and has been interviewed by Robert Phoenix of Austin Texas, Sonny Thomas of Ohio, Larry Becraft, Esq. of Alabama, Dr. Dan Koontz of Phoenix, Tony Palleresco of Canada and Dave Kelman of Nevada to name just a few.
Alexandra has been helping the anti-geoengineering community by drafting a 70+ page state specific Resolution document that is intended to be presented to all state level elected representatives. For serious minded activists who are interested in Ms. Hunter’s expert services they can contact her at her email address which is; She can also be found on Facebook, TSU, and Twitter.
American Truth Finders

Neil’s internet talk show, American Truth Finders, will search for the facts of what is going on in America that is leading this country down the wrong path. In this quest to sort out the facts, there will be many theories. Some will be found to be truths, some non-truths. And there will always be the conspiracy theories. This show will investigate all those theories to give it’s listeners the knowledge to separate fact from fiction. Whatever the political position, Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, or other, if it’s not the truth it will be exposed.