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Evident Footprints, August 20, 2008

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Courtesy of BBS Radio
VINCENT BUGLIOSI: Author, The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder
Just a reminder... i have requested a review copy of Mr. Bugliosi's newest book, "The Impeachment of George W. Bush for Murder." I trust that it has or will be sent to the address included in my prior e-mail. Thanks. look forward with great anticipation and excitement to Mr. Bugliosi's upcoming interview and assure him that anything he wishes to communicate will not be censored (i.e. his testimony before the U.S. Congressional committee).

Special 2-Hour LIVE Interview w/ VINCENT BUGLIOSI

Famed prosecutor and #1 New York Times bestselling author Vincent Bugliosi has written the most powerful, explosive, and thought-provoking book of his storied career. As a prosecutor dedicated to seeking justice, he delivers a non-partisan argument, free from party lines, based upon hard facts and pure objectivity.

Evident Footprints with Don Nicoloff


In The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder, Bugliosi presents a tight, meticulously researched legal case that puts George W. Bush on trial in an American courtroom for the murder of nearly 4,000 American soldiers fighting the war in Iraq. Bugliosi sets forth the legal architecture and incontrovertible evidence that President Bush took this nation to war in Iraq under false pretensesa war that has not only caused the deaths of American soldiers but also over 100,000 innocent Iraqi men, women, and children; cost the United States over one trillion dollars thus far with no end in sight; and alienated many American allies in the Western world.

As a prosecutor who is dedicated to seeking justice, Bugliosi, in his inimitable style, delivers a non-partisan argument, free from party lines and instead based upon hard facts and pure objectivity. A searing indictment of the President and his administration, The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder also outlines a legally credible pathway to holding our highest government officials accountable for their actions, thereby creating a framework for future occupants of the oval office.

Vincent Bugliosi calls for the United States of America to return to the great nation it once was and can be again. He believes the first step to achieving this goal is to bring those responsible for the war in Iraq to justice.


Evident Footprints

Evident Footprints with Don Nicoloff, banner
Show Host
Don Nicoloff


Don Nicoloff is a professional, multi-instrumental musician, singer, composer, conductor, arranger, orchestrator, teacher, producer, audio recording engineer, investigative journalist, author, radio broadcaster, and talk-show host with international credentials.

He has also written feature stories for the Idaho Observer newspaper and hosts his own syndicated radio show, "Evident Footprints," which can be heard Monday-Friday, 10 p.m., PST on BBS Radio. You can read his articles or listen to past broadcasts via his web site at: As a researcher  and investigative journalist, Don has appeared as a guest on numerous radio and TV talk shows, including:; "The Edge AM with Daniel Ott." "The American Awakening" [with Michael Herzog] "The National Intel Report" [guest-host for John Stadtmiller], "The American Activist," [with Don Harkins], and "The Truth Hertz Radio" with Charles Giuliani [Republic Broadcasting Network], the "Liberty Forum," [with John Bryant], American Voice Network [with Don Harkins], the "Jeff Rense Show" [GCN], the "Richard Syrett Show" [CFRB, 1010 AM, Toronto, Canada], "All Day Live" and "Call 4 Investigation" [ScanTV, Seattle, WA].

Guests featured on "Evident Footprints" include: Michael St. Clair, Jim Murray, Hamza Sid Catlett-Bey, Sarah Simmons, Jim Marrs, G. Edward Griffin, Randy Veitenheimer, Dr. Larry Wayne Harris, Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, Michael Herzog, Robby Noel, Todd & Donna Metallo, Robert Miles, Tom Mercer, Kastara Parasava, Michael Anthony, Charles Giuliani, Bill Ryan & Kerry Cassidy, Judy Andreas, Don Harkins & Ingri Cassel, Ralph Epperson, Glenn Gearhart, Dr. Oskar Loo, Dr. Sheila Mannix, Steve Johnson, Dirk Vander Ploeg, David R. High, Bryna Pollock, Paul & Jo Parker, Rick Adams, Don Newsom, Dr. Kaasem Khaleel, Fred Smart, Tim Wingate, DeAnne Hampton, Toni Elizabeth Sar'h Petrinovich, Lindsey Williams, Arthur Pollock, Wynn Free, Ken Adachi, and Donald Newsom, to name a few.

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