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ET First Contact Radio, March 26, 2015

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ET-First Contact Radio
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Guest, Patty Greer

ET-First Contact Radio with Maarten Horst and guest Patty Greer

Guest, Patty Greer

Guest Name
Patty Greer
Patty Greer, Singer, Songwriter, Pianist, Harpist, Cinematographer, Documentary Producer and Crop Circle Expert
Guest Occupation
Singer, Songwriter, Pianist, Harpist, Cinematographer, Documentary Producer, Crop Circle Expert
Guest Biography

For thirty years, Patty Greer has been known for her musical prowess as an accomplished singer, songwriter, pianist & harpist. In 2007 she embarked on a new journey, transforming her musical perceptions into those of the visual world of cinematography, Her Documentary Movie making career began in a Crop Circle in England. She remembers passing out - and then awakening with an entirely new career in mind & the knowledge she needed to make movies.

Patty Greer is a fearless film maker who has laid in more than 100 Crop Circles and created 5 full feature UFO documentaries in the past 5 years. She had no training, previous experience, or intention to make movies until the day she laid in a UK Crop Circle (2007) and had an out-of-body experience.

Many film makers offer interviews with people who have had sightings and ET interactions, but never had the experience themselves. That’s where Patty Greer’s movies excel. She goes INTO THE FIELDS and does the filming herself. Sharing first hand experiences with passion, you will feel as if you are there!

FINALLY NEW CROP CIRCLE DATA about the Balls of Light producing Crop Circles is available to the world, and it is featured in three of Patty Greer’s movies.

“4 Stories-One Event-Other Worlds” is a true story of 4 different groups of people from three different countries who saw Orange Balls of Light over a Crop Circle in East Field (UK) on July 29th, 2010. Patty interviewed two men who saw “Illuminated Light Beings with arms, legs and a head come out of the Orange Balls of Light” that night. One man said, “My eyes don’t lie. It’s just my rational mind that tries to find a rational explanation!” The movie shows authentic photos of the Orange Balls of Light, and you can see the doorway where the Light Beings came out!

The films have touched every continent of the world and won 6 prestigious awards. If you’re a believer, be prepared to be captivated. If you’re a skeptic, be prepared to be converted! Experts acknowledge seeing tremendous new data in these evolutionary films.

If you really want to know the TRUTH about Crop Circles and the Real Circlemakers, see these movies and share them with your friends and family. We guarantee it will forever change your perspective on this incredible phenomenon!

Crop Circles are the first earthly manifestation of ET communication that humans can physically see. It is believed by many that they are encoded with keys of wisdom to assist humanity into a new paradigm of higher consciousness. We already have everything we need to evolve as a species, it just needs to become common knowledge!

Awards include :

  • 2009 Best Feature Film – UFO or Related EBE Award’ at the International UFO Congress Convention
  • 2009 Silver Sierra Award’ at the Yosemite Film Festival
  • 2010 Best Feature Film – UFO or Related EBE Award’ at the International UFO Congress Convention
  • 2010 Best Musical Score Within A UFO Program EBE Award’ at the International UFO Congress Convention
  • 2010 Moondance Audience Favorite Documentary Film award
  • 2010 Moondance GAIA Award

ET First Contact Radio

ET-First Contact Radio with Maarten Horst
Show Host
Maarten Horst

ET-First Contact Radio HOST MAARTEN HORST, Speaks every Thursday about the development of Disclosure, First Contact and the Changes that are taking place on Gaia to prepare us for the great Shift, leading us to Ascension. All related subjects like The Galactic Federation will be dealt with in depth.

Often Maarten will read and reflect on the messages from SaLuSa from Sirius (channeled by Mike Quinsey another host on BBS-RADIO) and the messages, including Sheldan Nidle.

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