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Dr Ginas Radio Chat, October 28, 2015

Anitra Durand Allen
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Dr Ginas Radio Chat
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Guest, Anitra Durand Allen

Dr Gina's Radio Chat with Dr. Gina R. Prince and special guest Anitra Durand Allen

There was a point when I thought I was living the perfect life. I graduated from college with an engineering degree which landed me a good job making lots of money. I married a wonderful man who gave me exceptional children and we lived in a beautiful home. I was living the American dream. But even with all those fabulous things and wonderful people there were times that I felt overwhelmed, under-appreciated and stressed out, while desperately trying to prove myself worthy – on the job, as a wife, and as a mom. It felt like I would never be all that I was created to be. But according to everyone around me I was [supposedly] living the dream.

And then the unthinkable happened. Over the course of 6 months I lost three close family members, was badly mistreated on the job, wrecked my new car, and had to make the toughest decision I’ve ever made – split up my “perfect family” by sending my bonus son to live full-time with his mom. I was devastated. And I realized that my perfect life wasn’t so perfect after all. All the things I had once thought made my life so great were falling apart all around me.

But quickly I realized that I wasn’t falling apart. Amidst all the turmoil I had found a peace of mind and a calm that could not be shaken. I realized that my job, and my home and even my family weren’t the cause or source of my peace. I had found my bliss – the inner strength and resolve that comes from knowing who I really am. And now that I have bliss, I spend my time and energy on the things that really matter the most.

And that’s what I want to help you do as well. I want to help you experience the bliss of having a marriage that works, parenting that works and living out your purpose in a way that fulfills you.

Dr Ginas Radio Chat

Dr Ginas Radio Chat with Dr Gina
Show Host
Dr Gina Prince

"I'll help you move past life's turmoil."

I'm more than a conqueror! And so are you. We all go through challenges in life. Exactly how to move past them is not always evident. Before the whispers in you mind field turn into screams, allow me to assist you in finding freedom, deliverance and peace with yourself and those who require your forgiveness.

Dr. Gina's Radio Chat is Fun! Exciting! And full of laughter! We will keep it real at all times. It is a place where everyone can come express themselves openly their very own perception and experiences. It's a platform of transparency. A talk show of encouragement. Dr. Gina's Radio Chat is safe and every topic is led by God. You never know where it's going to go. For there is nothing we can do without Him. Every opinion, wisdom, knowledge, and experience is appreciated. So get ready! Dr. Gina's Radio Chat will be ready for you! EVERYONE IS WELCOME to join in the conversation! Let's Talk! Dr. Gina's Radio Chat

Author Dr. Gina R. Prince shares how to become Transformed, live a New Life Destiny and Thrive; Moving past all adversity and Shining Out!

For a long time, Gina Prince’s life didn’t seem to be heading toward a happy ending. Through her turbulent adolescence and young adulthood, Prince learned what she now believes were important lessons about the sinful nature of man and the enemy’s tactics for infiltrating and corrupting the lives and destiny of God’s children—lessons she shares in her book, Born into Sin, Transformed into Destiny. Her candid nature and wisdom will help readers identify who they really are and what motivates them so that they can surrender their lives fully to the restorative, radical power of God and His Divine Plan for their lives.

Let's Bring those Walls Down!

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