Bridging Wisdom, November 23, 2010
Bridging Wisdom - November 23, 2010
Bridging Wisdom
Cathy Cook is a bloodline generational Shaman Medicine Woman from her fathers side known as Grandmother Wisdom. Shaman according to the History Channel means to ways and means of many practiced methods of meditation and going out there gaining information from "the Knowing". One practice in which a shaman will then travel with someone by doing soul retrieval, which is where a person has had a trauma or left their body in a way and traveled not attaching themselves to their bodies umbilical cord. I also am an avid artist of many mediums using my art as storyboards a old native American way to see into present, past, and future events. Using different symbols and with art to make a story for further insight. I do deep root personality readings. I am well rounded in the metaphysical realm with over 50 plus years experience being brought up first hand by my ancestors and teachers in the metaphysical world from both my family's sides. I am a published author and avid photographer as well. I have been teaching the old ways since I can remember, This is a journey I enjoy sharing and know you the active listening audience will gain great insight.