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Bill Martinez Live, August 15, 2024

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Bill Martinez Live
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Guest, John O’Connor, Deroy Murdock, Grover Norquist, Judy Pino and Maj Fred Galvin


Breaking News, 82 Days To Vote For The Government You Want, Day 311 Of The Israel Hamas War, Watergate Was A Hoax, But It Brought Down Nixon And Dirty Voter Rolls Yield Dirty Elections. The Good News Is That A High-Tech Security Expert Has Carved A Pristine Path Out Of This Dump.

2 Very Independent and Compelling Hours of Experts, And Authors Pursuing The Truth No Matter Where It Leads

9:06-9:29a ET- John O’Connor- Watergate Was a Hoax, But It Brought Down Nixon.  The legal analyst, author of Postgate: How the Washington Post Betrayed Deep Throat, Covered Up Watergate, and Began Today's Partisan Advocacy Journalism discusses 50 years of fraudulent political journalism.’

9:32-9:58a ET- Deroy Murdock- Dirty voter rolls yield dirty elections. Alas, America’s voter files are filthy. The good news is that a high-tech security expert has carved a pristine path out of this dump. Will Republicans be smart enough to follow it before Demokleptocrats steal the White House again? The Manhattan-based Fox News contributor and a contributing editor with The American Spectator reports.

10:06-10:29a ET- Grover Norquist- Is Kamala Harris the political reincarnation of John Kerry? As you may recall, Kerry suffered a major self-inflicted wound in his 2004 presidential campaign when he flip-flopped on a military appropriations bill, famously uttering “I actually did vote for the $87 billion before I voted against it.” The ATR president America's preeminent center-right expert on taxes asks if this is “déjà vu” one more time?

10:32-10:42a ET- Judy Pino- Latinas Could Decide the 2024 Election—and Might Give Trump a Victory explains  an Advisor on Hispanic issues for Independent Women's Voice with  The LIBRE Initiative. And in 2024, Hispanic voters are poised to make a bigger impact than ever before. At least 17.5 million Latino voters are expected to cast ballots; that's over one out of every 10 votes.

10:46-10:58a ET- Maj Fred Galvin- Walz Refuses to Apologize for Stolen Valor Walz and Uses His Military Service to Give Himself Immunity.  The author of A Few Bad Men: The True Story of U.S. Marines Ambushed in Afghanistan and Betrayed in America.

Headlined Show, Bill Martinez Live August 15, 2024

Breaking News, 82 Days To Vote For The Government You Want, Day 311 Of The Israel Hamas War, Watergate Was A Hoax, But It Brought Down Nixon And Dirty Voter Rolls Yield Dirty Elections.
Broadcast Date

Breaking News, 82 Days To Vote For The Government You Want, Day 311 Of The Israel Hamas War, Watergate Was A Hoax, But It Brought Down Nixon And Dirty Voter Rolls Yield Dirty Elections. The Good News Is That A High-Tech Security Expert Has Carved A Pristine Path Out Of This Dump.

2 Very Independent and Compelling Hours of Experts, And Authors Pursuing The Truth No Matter Where It Leads

9:06-9:29a ET- John O’Connor- Watergate Was a Hoax, But It Brought Down Nixon.  The legal analyst, author of Postgate: How the Washington Post Betrayed Deep Throat, Covered Up Watergate, and Began Today's Partisan Advocacy Journalism discusses 50 years of fraudulent political journalism.’

9:32-9:58a ET- Deroy Murdock- Dirty voter rolls yield dirty elections. Alas, America’s voter files are filthy. The good news is that a high-tech security expert has carved a pristine path out of this dump. Will Republicans be smart enough to follow it before Demokleptocrats steal the White House again? The Manhattan-based Fox News contributor and a contributing editor with The American Spectator reports.

10:06-10:29a ET- Grover Norquist- Is Kamala Harris the political reincarnation of John Kerry? As you may recall, Kerry suffered a major self-inflicted wound in his 2004 presidential campaign when he flip-flopped on a military appropriations bill, famously uttering “I actually did vote for the $87 billion before I voted against it.” The ATR president America's preeminent center-right expert on taxes asks if this is “déjà vu” one more time?

10:32-10:42a ET- Judy Pino- Latinas Could Decide the 2024 Election—and Might Give Trump a Victory explains  an Advisor on Hispanic issues for Independent Women's Voice with  The LIBRE Initiative. And in 2024, Hispanic voters are poised to make a bigger impact than ever before. At least 17.5 million Latino voters are expected to cast ballots; that's over one out of every 10 votes.

10:46-10:58a ET- Maj Fred Galvin- Walz Refuses to Apologize for Stolen Valor Walz and Uses His Military Service to Give Himself Immunity.  The author of A Few Bad Men: The True Story of U.S. Marines Ambushed in Afghanistan and Betrayed in America.

Bill Martinez Live

Bill Martinez Live
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Bill Martinez

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