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Beyond The Matrix, April 17, 2010

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Courtesy of BBS Radio

Saturday April 17th

William Henry

on Beyond The Matrix

"Ive looked under chairs. Ive looked under tables. Ive tried to find the key to fifty million fables. They call me the Seeker. Ive been searching low and high."

William Henry is an investigative mythologist, author, radio talk show host, seeker and teacher. In 2007 he is celebrating his 10th anniversary as a self-published author of 14 books and numerous DVD presentations.

He has specialized in synthesizing myth and cutting edge modern science to reveal a startling but undeniable pattern of fact that throughout history and across widely diverse cultures, there is an absolutely seamless tradition of the existence of gates to the stars, which have been preserved in the art and myths of each era and place. Beings that came from the light of the vastness of the Milky Way, and beyond, did so through these gateways and left the secrets of a Way to the Stars for us to discover.

Loss of the secrets of this gate has brought great challenges to humanity. Rebuilding the gate is a reachable goal and will transform us into the more advanced beings we seek to become and already are within us.

Today, physicists call these gates called stargates or wormholes. These cosmic gateways theoretically link regions of the universe millions of light years apart and allow nearly instantaneous communication between these regions.

Beyond The Matrix

Beyond the Matrix with Patricia Cori
Show Host
Patricia Cori

The Matrix is opaque and dissonant, like neon in fog.
Cluttered with the filler materials of our lives, it weighs us down in the density, clipping our wings, holding us captive in its web.
The Matrix is limited and confining, painting us into its grids of sameness: masked bandits in a hall of mirrors.
Loud and cacophonous, the Matrix tears at our inner and outer worlds with the noise of chaotic frenzy—
banging the drum, sounding the horn.
It is the superfluous impulse of demand and desire,
the prison of those who do not believe.
Dark and determined, the Matrix exists to enclose our minds in a cage, in a cube, in a box, in a corner—
crouched in cells of our own making, where fear is the gatekeeper and trust is but a memory.

Beyond the Matrix is the Light.
It is clear; it is pure; it is the unchained melody.
It is the breeze upon which souls take flight.
It is the day, the eternal warmth of the sun.
It is the wonder of a cool, moonlit night.
It is a place of truth: the search, the Wisdom;
a cosmic dance; the magic kingdom.
Beyond the Matrix lies the hope
and the dream;
it is the dream that keeps us alive.
It is the dream. The dream. The dream.

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