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The Bev Moore Show , January 27, 2023

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The Bev Moore Show
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with Bev Moore and guest Shannan Wilson

The Bev Moore Show with guest Shannan Wilson, Actress, Model, Author, and Songwriter.

Headlined Show, The Bev Moore Show January 27, 2023

Don’t miss our next guest, Actress, Model, Author, and Songwriter, Shannan Wilson.
Shannan Wilson
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Don’t miss our next guest, Actress, Model, Author, and Songwriter, Shannan Wilson. 
The Bev Moore Talk Show, Engaging, Informative and Entertaining. Produced by Cathy Irby Durant, Devine Communications. 
Tune in Fridays to the Bev Moore Show at 12 noon EST, 11am CST, 9am PST on BBS Radio TV, broadcasting on the iHeart Network and 185 Stations Worldwide.

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The Bev Moore Talk Show, Engaging, Informative and Entertaining. 

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Guest, Shannan Wilson

Guest Name
Shannan Wilson
Shannan Wilson
Guest Occupation
Actress, model, author and songwriter
Guest Biography


​"Shannan absolutely killed it in the finale scene.  People will be talking about her performance for quite some time.  It was gut wrenching."  Mike Walsh- writer/producer of  Sno Babies 

Shannan is a Texas girl at heart, enjoying outdoor activities, camping, and playing sports. Shannan also loves British humor and is extremely hard to offend. She will watch an entire episode of The Munsters and still crack up.

As far as acting goes, she is a New York City/Philly actress who has worked on a variety of roles, from an affluent Upper East Side wife to Bill Pullman in the Ryan Murphy Netflix Limited Series, HALSTON, to a blue-collar upstate New York single mother in the comedic web series MIKE IS UNEMPLOYED
She can also be seen on  FBI on CBS as well as two recently released feature films, SNO BABIES and THE RETALIATORS. The much anticipated feature film, SIGNS OF LOVE, (starring Dylan and Hopper Penn and Rosanna Arquette) was released in theaters October 2022 and premiered at the Brooklyn Film Festival this May where it won Best Director. Shannan plays the mother of Zoe Arquette who won Best Actress at the festival. And PHILLY CHRISTMAS, in which she plays opposite Robert Clohessey from Blue Bloods, will be released theatrically December 2022. She is also in the upcoming TUBI movie, A PARTY TO DIE FOR, and plays a lead part in the recently shot short, DINNER PARTY, directed by Emmy Award winner Ritesh Gupta. She will be seen opposite Catherine Daddario in the feature, THE TRIBUTARIES also starring Kelly Rutherford in 2023 and she recently worked with M. Night Shyamalan on Season 4 of SERVANTIn addition to her burgeoning career in film and TV, Shannan has had success in modeling, commercials and print work

Her short film, in which she played the lead, WHEN FATHER WENT BIKING, has been officially selected for numerous international film festivals.

Shannan is a published author of the book The Littlest Peanut-

an inspirational baby book for parents with children in the NICU.

In order to feel creative in other ways besides acting, she writes songs and plays guitar and piano. Shannan's original music can be heard on Spotify.

Her favorite quote is from the late, great Milton Berle.

"Laughter is an instant vacation".

The Bev Moore Show

The Bev Moore Show
Show Host
Bev Moore

The Bev Moore Show is the latest Radio Media Space where Entertainers share highlights of their career and more. Broadcasting weekly on the iHeart Network.

Tune in Fridays at 12 noon EST, 11am CST, and 9am PST to listen to 60 minutes of informative, entertaining interviews, with actors promoting their latest film and TV projects, developments and new releases, plus interviews with authors and successful entrepreneurs, with uplifting music.

The Bev Moore Show, engaging, informative entertainment!

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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

hello welcome to the BevMo show live streaming on the iHeart Network and 185 broadcast stations worldwide I'm your host Beth Moore<br> I guess today is an actress model author and songwriter<br> she is known for appearing in the Netflix mini-series on CBS TV series STI with Shannon Wilson highlights of her amazing acting career<br> I want to know you<br> thesaurus<br>yerba mate<br>this is the best live streaming of the iHeart Network and 185 broadcast stations worldwide my interview with actress is coming up<br> what is like to work with Bill Pullman and Ryan Murphy on the Netflix mini-series Carlton<br>Thai on Carson kressley of all the most valuable resources in the world kindness is the most precious<br> for more than 140 years American Humane has been working to make the world a kind of place for animals<br> rescuing those cotton disasters protecting animals on our Farms<br> on the Silver Screen<br> and the world's remarkable and endangered species who need our care to help them survive<br> all of us can make a difference by making Humane choices at the supermarket in our choice of entertainment and by supporting conservation and rescue efforts<br> it's not hard at all making kind of Lifestyle choice and visit for simple ways you can help build a more caring compassionate and Humane world for animals and for all of us<br> I would like to welcome Shannon Wilson<br> Shannon is an actress model and songwriter<br> welcome to the chase Center<br> thank you so much for having me that you play opposite of like from Bill Pullman and the Ryan Murphy Netflix limited series Halston<br> well as FBI on CBS<br> what episode did you appear on Bose can you share a little bit about that experience will help then I appeared on episodes two and four. So that was really fun and that was supposed to be just one episode and then they added my character to another one and a few more seen to that was very exciting and then FBI the recent one and that is that was I was just on one and it was a very very small part but exciting than the life<br> I was at that was entrusted with with Bill what it what it what is he like on said I'm just curious he's very sweet he is in fact one to make a person called me and they're not to make up the wardrobe person called me cuz I always go over the Wardrobe before you show up on set as you know and they do before she hung up she said oh by the way Bill Pullman is the nicest person you will ever meet and I didn't I didn't ask for anything about it yet I always wonder if people are going to be like in person and so I said yes he is and then when I showed up I mean he could not be more of a gentleman and a sweetheart and so very sweet to<br> all that's great that's great to hear<br> how and when exactly did you realize you had the passion for acting<br> I think you know Pat<br> I've always had a creative mind and my grandmother used to always much soap opera General Hospital everyday and I would sometimes you know watch the shows with her her story and I would rather be in my room and pretend like I was dying to see if I could do it like how I would ask the bed like oh gosh I love you Rodger movie box so I never had the thought I want to be a famous actress I want to actually date was never like that sort of dream but it was something always in the back of my mind that seems like something so cool to do it so I never did theater I always liked sport<br> but I think it was just always kind of percolating there<br> from from from when I was little<br> when your little just play-acting expensive like I think it was an elf face cream to make our faces look like it goes from Fiddler on the Roof you got died and all the boys put on little acts in plays and we're always singing my friends and my and my sister my brother and I<br> and you made him do it anyway yes I'm very impressed with the feature film Snowbabies<br> and you received outstanding reviews for you played Claire mccaskill Claire mccaskill tell me about that my baby I just love it oh thank you so much yeah it's that was my first feature and I had my dad called and said they want you to read the first part and so I audition for one of the scenes and they said they're interested in and meeting you and I just want to meet you at I would like a Panera Bread or something that's why I met the director Bridget Smith and Mike Walsh the writer and they offered me the part right there on the spot so I didn't have to do a call back and fat<br> with such a amazing first experience and a anybody that doesn't know the Snowbabies is as 10:00 for heroin and I made a mother of my daughter is a sixteen-year-old straight-A student heroin addict and when we did that poem that was 2019 is when we are filming it and that was way before any of the opioid epidemic is even it's even more out of control and it was kind of like the Tipping Point so I didn't have an idea of how bad it wasn't our country and at the time my kids were a little bit younger so it was just an intense experience to be a part of something like that but beautiful at the same time because I feel like there are so many families that were involved who lost their loved ones to opioids and the heroin that were part of that snow and Ron set that it really was life changing<br> it was a learning experience life is educational for you pretty much and it helps you throughout your life experience yes it is definitely dead and and see and talk to other families I mean we have the one thing or my daughter I don't want to if somebody sees the phone there that's a pretty sad ending but I'm eating something positive but there were parents on the set that had bury their children and so for me to do a scene where I'm at a funeral for you know something one of my loved ones in front of a pair of who actually did bury their own child with so tight you know so hard cuz you want to do that justice but they are they want they were many of the parents because they just feel so passionate about informing everyone else to be scared you know she'd know I'd be aware of what your child is up to you and that it can happen to anybody and that was with no babies about like I'm a busy working mom<br> has been too busy working Dad we had the best of intentions and our daughter was off the rails and we had no idea and I happens everyday<br> everyday all the time world yes yes and then you play Debbie and the feature film retaliators<br> yeah that was on that was taped at crib Mike Walsh and Bridget Smith they were nice enough to give apart and died and I was a horror movie and that's what really while the film festival that was a small part and Katie Kelly play my daughter's no babies is also in that so silly boy is really loyal to us the one that gets the Philly Christmas is but I'm coming up on and they're really good about writing writing material there so nice they write with Uriel for me for their film that I just really appreciate it<br> yeah but you have a feature film that is scheduled to release what it was scheduled to release in October was that on schedule with the signs of love yes I got that came out in the theaters I got to go to the AMC theater in Terre Haute to my kids went with me and my daughter in that film is Zoe Arquette she's Rosanna Arquette's daughter and she is so talented he looks just like her mother he is as sweet as can be and she's so good he plays his death and the feel she plays a deaf girl and she falls in love with hopper Penn who played Frankie in that Sean Penn and Robin Wright son<br> so their chemistry is wonderful Hopper pin is the sweetest kid so nice and did that was really cool to be a part of that and I got to meet Sean Penn at the at the premier which was really cool to Sean Penn's what's a good actor<br> what you think it's wrong when you first met Sean<br> he's a little a little reserved is to me not in person but everyone that has met him that I know how it has said the same thing that he's been he's like that he's a little reserved very very side extremely pretty sure why they're they're not always extra parts that you would assume they would be but they're not but they're not going to come alive on the on the camera on camera yeah it is latest thing yeah it really is people have no idea<br> right and that Kim also won best director<br> where did yes and he got it was an award in Italy the Name Escapes me right now but it was their first award and so it got Italian distribution the film did and it was a really great award that they got in and Rome and the film is now on demand and then getting good reviews it's just a really with all filmed in Philadelphia Clarence of the commercial director has his first feature and we found that during covid-19 people that it's their first time doing something and that they skipped success from that and they're so generous and so I appreciate every single one of us feel like<br> every single the whole cast in all of us feel so important like it was important to the whole story about the pain in my face in my doubting I know one thing for sure<br> father used to say I want that do tonight I'm still working on me now he call me soon I need the miracle of Grace I need you<br> Legends<br> everything okay<br> porque siento que estas tocando a no teddy bear<br> how to spell present<br> penis head<br> everything<br> he's got the whole world<br> we are strong we are resilient and we will get through this together but these are stressful times and it's important to also practice good self-care it's normal to feel overwhelmed anxious or afraid but there is hope reach out to someone connect with your friends stay in touch with your community and know that you are not alone learn more at we are broadcasters. Com Hope Furnace by the National Association of broadcasters and this station the binky I think it's the the one that was did it break out this this month Philly Christmas yes that would I think they're going to they're looking for that.<br> which one yet so I don't know if that will be released for this holiday after going to release it later or next fall but that that was my husband is Robert clohessy from Blue Bloods and I play back that people don't realize that oh yes I know it's kind of like a lazy tongue and you know it's it's very fun to be able to do something like that and a play a woman that is you know so like I'm like yelling at him oh my God shut up you know it's really fun to play people like that<br> yes cuz he's a piece of work he sell area that he's going to Forever another quick run-through with just the rest of your films I mean cuz they are there big I mean we can just because you've done so much you've touched so much you also are in the upcoming to be moving a party to die for<br> it's out now and you play aov part and the recently shot short dinner party directed by Emmy Award winner now you have to help me hear Rich has written a script. Ok<br> and then we have the feature the tributaries starring Catharine Daddario is that correct and she's so sweet. Yeah, share that Santa is directed and written by Kate Wiley and she's just wonderful she's so talented and she wrote it from her heart and it's about yeah I play I love I'm a dying mother of I'm dying of cancer and when I saw it because she offered me the part she reached out to me directly and see my real<br> and if you got to see what the hard roll you're going to look you know it's not going to look good for you in terms of what you look like because I'm dying and it kind of flashes back to me being happy and healthy with my wife or my husband and my daughter and then flashing to present day where I'm so sick and she was so beautiful and and and talking with me about it that I said that I would that I would do it and the film is just yeah I just started from because my father died of a glioblastoma<br> so for me to try to get processed. Because I was hearing covid and that was challenging and to work with the people that were just so sensitive and kind and so that she's editing. And it's it'll be a feature and we were really good producer behind it so I'm really looking forward to coming out and I hope that it can help people and people can relate to the story<br> you are you also worked on season 4 of Servants of yes but I signed an NDA on that talk too much about it but a great experience to work with midnight<br> and then about all this I mean all the faxing that you have going on I mean it's it's for Mendes you've also have been successful in modeling commercials and Print Work<br> can you die<br> modeling contest at the shopping malls and you can show up and showed up for one of these contests at the Galleria in Houston and so they brought me onto page Park she was a modeling agency what I think I look like 13 I think they wanted to send me to Europe and I my mom is like no absolutely not able to call it so I got to put that on the back burner but what I can tell anybody no matter what age you are you can still go back to 40th and 30th and whatever you can still model and do prep work so you don't have to be young to start out doing that<br> the truth that is absolutely true as long as you have the gift I mean they are what they looking for the height and and the measurements right<br> do you want to mention anything about your short film when father went biking<br> yeah that one at that one. I also played as a woman who is taking an ill and not that short and my. My father has dementia so that was also another cathartic experience to be able to to do that to my father was experiencing out his glioblastoma and I went to a number of film festivals and was nominated for different different Awards but what I say is when I started out with acting I didn't have anything on my real though if if a lot of these shorts I have been lucky enough to work on really really talented people but a lot of the shorts were in NYU phone and so I would start by did student film at Temple and Drexel in Philadelphia at NYU to be able to build a real<br> and get experience on a set so a lot of those I ended up winning Awards or were nominated or putting the festivals and they were student films<br>stop. I'm watching people by Tina.<br> Everybody get down hit the Quan<br>do you want<br>this is the best more show live streaming on the iHeart Network and 185 broadcast station worldwide who is also the author of them probably are you sure we should get matching tattoos on her first date probably stay together probably<br> it's been 23 minutes since I ate probably swim you should wait 30 minutes<br> I have a cramp<br> I can probably hit the Green from here probably<br> can I get a mulligan are you sure you're okay to drive sober I'm probably okay<br> probably okay isn't okay especially when it comes to drinking and driving if you're drinking call a cab a car or a friend buzzed driving is drunk driving I message brought to you by Nitsa and Ad Council describe your most challenging role to date<br> probably the well no babies with stuff because of the subject matter and a theme so I had to really put myself because I wanted to be so real I really had to you know imagine certain things I don't really necessarily like imagining to be able to cry and to get to the spaces and delays be really horrible and and something like that so that was really hard because I was like shaking from that for quite a few days after one of the things that we had felt when I look back on the phone but I look so tired and in a lot of the themes and it suits the fact that I actually am tired you know I'm a working mom and I'm dealing with a lot and so I can see it on my face like how about that you got to get the time we are filming it because I can think of the actors if you want to really tap into those emotions you really have to go to<br> Dark Places and Alive country just kind of feel like I'm in a dark place I think you just cuz I had to do a lot of things but I'm in bed and really really really sick so not fun to feel that way that took a few days to get over that one I was ready after that series and I had okay yeah yeah yeah yeah so would you say going into that those roles that would be probably the toughest part of your work<br> I think so but I can play all different types of people I think this waiting tables are the cocktail waitress and a variety. I guess that's why it's the hardest that does those would be the hardest was just really having to get bad not that I'm not sad it's just really getting into a place where you have to imagine I need for me my process that I do see that they process believe me I know but for me to have to be able to actually feel like it's real what's happening you just have to buy personalized I know you're not always supposed to do that but in certain situations I feel like I personalize it so that I can really get that emotion I don't have to do that all the time but especially I had to<br> I did only way I knew how to get to this place has was to make it personal<br> if that is a technique so that was my next question is what techniques do you use to create a believable character so you pretty much answered that<br> yeah I thought that's my technique and then Robert De Niro I heard one time say don't ever say anything that you don't need so every line if you're if you're not feeling it don't say that line and I always start always stuck with me because if you just say it for real and you feel it and it's okay that's coming from some place of Truth<br> I got stuck. Always. Always stuck with me too<br> that is definitely true that it helpful it makes a lot of sense is acting he doesn't do anything over the top but everything he says he's in the he's mean and get it coming from his heart even this the smallest line room<br> yeah I love the Nira<br>Google baby<br> I'm looking for you to write a babysitter<br>Cam Newton<br> connect to go<br> the life of every child is precious beyond measure if you care for a child with a disability and have limited income and resources help is available children with the physical or mental disability or who are blind bake qualify for monthly cash payments through the supplemental security income program or SSI the program provides house to meet basic needs for food clothing or a place to live and disability-related needs its money that can make a meaningful difference if you are the parent or caregiver of a child or teenager you think may be eligible call Social Security at 1 800-772-1213 or visit SSI kids to learn how to apply today that's SSI kids it's real help for the children message produced by Social Security at US taxpayer expense<br> Bashar what inspired you to write the book<br> the littlest peanut that inspirational baby book for parents with children and mecu<br> I'm so curious<br> I had to preemies<br> know that like me<br> E Wyatt I said I figured that was it I just I had a hunch but I wanted to talk about that for a few minutes about that<br> yeah<br> I think that is amazing I mean that you you you wrote a book about it to help people<br> are going through that same experience thank you it was more of my daughter and she was six weeks early there's a lot of babies on the way out earlier than that so we are blessed that you know it's just six weeks my son was much earlier than that but I say normal with my hands and feet of my fingers and quotations like but you feel like there's a time when I did the littlest peanut it was nothing like that out there so I made little poems and I kind of thought about the idea and sketched it out and then I put it inside cuz you know my baby came home and I'm busy until I had another pretty<br> 20 months later and I go back into that thing like are you kidding me why are you back I'm like next week<br> funny breakfast way earlier and they were you do you're more concerned with how early he was so I kind of brought it back out and then I can't draw so I had the idea in my head but my brother-in-law joking up is up a nominal artist in any medium so he designed it and took what I had in my head and Drew it for me and Illustrated the book and it's just a simple baby book just wear<br> you know when you get off of the CPAP what did the baby what did you hold him for the first time when you everything that's pertinent to a preemie is what this is about so it's been it's wonderful to a lot of the same parents will reach out to me every holiday and I give them cases of books to be able to take to the hospital to their Nick you because they make care package that's really beautiful both of you that is a beautiful and they send me the pictures back in the books and the do that you got to kind of help and they come out of there so appreciative we are so appreciative of these NICU nurses and all that they do for us it's just their Angels honestly<br> well I'm very inspired by listening to that story I had to bring it up thank you<br> did they do they need that they really do and they're still in there and before we knew you have is a macro premiums and there's a blast and you just you're in a world at the time the old hospital it's brand new but you were in the same room with everybody it was an old Virtua hospital and so you are the same room and see you look over and there's a tiny little micro preemie so sick I mean they were little these babies so my son that was a 30-week you think you have it brought the baby you know across the the room is like 23 weeks<br> Sophie just so<br> you know you were like surviving and thriving<br> yeah<br> well I admire you for that and hands off to you and that's wonderful<br> thank you appreciate that are cheap<br>do you say thank you say<br> the newest<br> quitter<br>you have a nice day.<br> Music<br>what would you say<br> interview with Shannon Wilson continues we all experienced difficulties in life<br> military veterans know that sometimes it takes strength and determination to make it through for help when you need it it's a reach out for help and hear stories of strength and recovery at make the connection. Net-net I knew that you were amazing but then I find out you write songs and play gets hard and I and over-the-top is that<br> is that you singing yet<br> I want everyone to know that they can find your music on Spotify that they need to look you up cuz they will be blown away for sure it's so nice thank you<br> yes I was very impressed with that is there anything you want to say about your music<br> I am really sorry about singing so I don't sing in front of people and I was always really I always wanted to be able to write the music and<br> I am just kind of like again just a way for me to express myself or emotions that I'm having and I turned out that this guy named Jim Heffernan he's an amazing position and was he when he toured with Brad Paisley for a long time and Joe Diffie live in the town over for me and someone told me that I reach out to him and he produces in his basement and his house and so that his who I connected with coffee like since 7 years now and he plays the mandolin and instruments and he's just so fun to work with it whenever I have a new cell phone I called him up and I go in there and I'll record it and it's really fun to be able to do that and I'm not that I can play guitar tune my guitar my piano but I mean when you I'm sure it's true you spent time with Studio musicians they can do anything there's a cell<br> but I think it's amazing that you pay play guitar because you know most women you know that's hard<br> yeah it's not it's not it's not myself and do it right you have to learn to take lessons and learn it the right way my fingers right but I play music and<br> in anybody can pick that up later I hear people say all I wish I would have learned how to play a piano making my piano lessons again. My son can't make it to me at 11 to these wrestling right now so I said I'll take your piano lesson for this month so I've been going in one side and and taking lessons and I'm the only adult in there I'm walking out and it's like parents with their little kid and you're okay<br> yeah maybe that's what I need to do I'll do it and tell me how much you love it you have a bad time did you ever play piano<br> no I tried I did play a flute and a what is it a pillow on the side you know when I was younger and I was very good at it actually go back and do it find a flute teacher or pick it up you even like you played an instrument it's amazing how comes back to you and you have been such an inspiration to interview on the bed more show I have to admit<br> and I want to thank you yeah I really want to thank you so much for being my guess but I want to thank you for having me as your gas this is really been such a pleasure<br> that sounds so good this week I hope you enjoyed my gift actress-model author and songwriter janin Wilson I come next time bye bye<br>

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