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Between Two Worlds, September 2, 2008

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Courtesy of BBS Radio

Our good friend & Metis Curator Dale Haggerty also the Metis Voices Radio on BBSRADIO show host This will be a fun show with a flair of music and laughter & possibly a little politics. Who are the Metis people? People of mixed First Nations and European ancestry who identify themselves as Metis people and are accepted as such by a Metis community and or its leadership. They are distinct from First Nations, Inuit or non-Aboriginal peoples. The Metis history and culture draws on diverse ancestral origins such as Ojibway and Cree, Scottish, Irish, French, English. (Government of Alberta definition) Metis are people who self-identify as Metis and are not registered under the Indian Act (Government of Manitoba definition) Article 10 of the Metis Nation Saskatchewan Constitution defines "Metis" as: 'Metis' means an Aboriginal person who self-identifies as Metis, who is distinct from Indian and Inuit & is a descendant of those Metis who received or were entitled to receive land grants and / or Scrip under the provision of the Manitoba Act, 1870 or the Dominion Lands Act, as enacted from time to time. A person of Aboriginal descent who is accepted by the Metis Nation and / or Metis Community. ( Amended Dec. 13 / 97 ) We are a proud nation who's history and traditions date back to the early 1600's. Our culture is a rich and vigorous one. We invite you to share and learn about our people here on our site. This page is dedicated to preserving our culture and our proud heritage.

Between Two Worlds

Between 2 Worlds with Derrick Whiteskycloud
Derrick Whiteskycloud

My passion is helping people. Towards that I have used my gifts in mediumship and spiritual counseling along with healing, of which there are many different methods and could include one or more of the following: Wing Chi, Blanket Ceremonies, Crystal Healings, Drumming with sound and song, Sacred Ceremonies, etc. All spiritual healing is done through the assistance of the Great Spirit, spirit guides, angels, celestial beings and whatever else is needed for each individual.

Besides counseling and mediumship, I'm also available for learning workshops, some of which are: psychic and mediumship classes, animal totem healing circles, hands-on-energy healing, spirit guides, past-lives and soul retrievals, automatic writings, drum-making workshops.

I also find it heart satisfying to teach our young children in the different areas of life, whether it be traditions, creativity, or earth awareness. There is so much to share with you all and so much more I learn from my spirit guides every day, that I find, I must in turn pass on. We are all teachers, and the Mother Earth is our school.

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