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Between Two Worlds, July 29, 2008

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Courtesy of BBS Radio

We welcome back our good friend & affiliate Paranormal radio buddy of the APSR Radio Dr. Jimmy & Heather Lowery Dr. Jimmy Lowery was born in Laurel Mississippi in 1964. He was reared as a preachers kid nearly all his childhood, which presented many challenges. His father is a Southern Methodist minister. Dr. Jimmy continues to practice his Christian faith and believes strongly that all paranormal researchers should maintain a strong faith system no matter the religion due to the nature of our Work. He has personally experienced both human spirits and the demonic as a young child on into adulthood. As a teenager, Dr. Jimmy began his ongoing quest to learn about the spirit realm and its existence not to mention that of the different religions and occult practices. His quest has taken him through the U.S. and to Turkey while a member of the U.S. military. He is a decorated enlisted airman and served in Desert Shield and Storm in 1990 - 1991. He continues to serve his country in the reserves after 22 years of service. Dr. Jimmy received his ordination as a minister in 1999 as well as his doctorate in religion. He currently does not pastor a church nor plans to as he feels this was not his calling from God. Dr. Jimmy feels his calling is helping people that are experiencing the unknown and dark side. Dr. Jimmy, as he goes by on his show, has been involved in the Paranormal for over 37 years. He started the radio show in March of 2004 as a sort of hobby. A.P.S.R. stands for Alabama ParaSpiritual Research, which was founded by Dr. Jimmy and continues to do research on the spiritual realm of the unexplained. He has been involved in numerous cases that involved not only human spirit Hauntings but that of the darker side as well, the demonic. He has assisted and conducted Exorcism in some very diabolical cases. Dr. Jimmy, not only a war veteran, but still is proud to serve his country in the military reserves and has done so for over 24 years. Dr. Jimmy's co-host, Heather Lowery, is also his beautiful wife which adds to the southern charm of the radio show. As a husband and wife team, the two of them have built a large captive listening audience around the world. Not only do they do the show together but they are also a team in conducting paranormal investigations which the two of them did their first DVD documentary in 2005, "The Haunted South". Their series of books are due to be published in 2007 that will give readers the sinister side of the paranormal that they have encountered.

Between Two Worlds

Between 2 Worlds with Derrick Whiteskycloud
Derrick Whiteskycloud

My passion is helping people. Towards that I have used my gifts in mediumship and spiritual counseling along with healing, of which there are many different methods and could include one or more of the following: Wing Chi, Blanket Ceremonies, Crystal Healings, Drumming with sound and song, Sacred Ceremonies, etc. All spiritual healing is done through the assistance of the Great Spirit, spirit guides, angels, celestial beings and whatever else is needed for each individual.

Besides counseling and mediumship, I'm also available for learning workshops, some of which are: psychic and mediumship classes, animal totem healing circles, hands-on-energy healing, spirit guides, past-lives and soul retrievals, automatic writings, drum-making workshops.

I also find it heart satisfying to teach our young children in the different areas of life, whether it be traditions, creativity, or earth awareness. There is so much to share with you all and so much more I learn from my spirit guides every day, that I find, I must in turn pass on. We are all teachers, and the Mother Earth is our school.

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