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Awareness of the Soul, November 25, 2008

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Courtesy of BBS Radio

Meditation: The Golden Jewel

Awareness of the Soul

Awareness of the Soul with Vincent Sandee, banner
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Vincent Sandee

Spiritual Advisor, Composer, writer, acting teacher, yoga and meditation teacher. Vincent has been practicing meditation for 14 years. He trained in London, Italy and India where he lived for 1 year as a monk in the tradition of Kriya Yoga, especially as taught by Paramhansa Yogananda.

His vision is one of uniting perceptions with the overall pervading Awareness, which is the non-dual union of all that is. When this union is experienced, one gains effortless full power over one's life.

He developed methods of counseling and empowerment that apply to anyone, no matter what spiritual background, based on the sacred teachings of Kriya Yoga, Metaphysical knowledge and his direct experience. The experience of divine Joy and Mastery over one's life is the aim of all his activities.

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