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A Walk To Otherside, September 7, 2006

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Courtesy of BBS Radio

Are you tired of hearing the Democrats whine and blame?  Are you sick of the Republicans pushing their weight around and bullying?  Gas prices got you down?  Is the heat really getting on your nerves?
TAKE A BREAK!  Get back into your spiritual groove, turn off the "drive by media", put down those newspapers and tune into BBS Radio's "A Walk to the Otherside" with Dr. Carla Wills-Brandon.
Join me as we review the paranormal news of the day (much of it interesting and with real merit, and then there is the stuff that begs the question, "Is this for real?") and then explore with me the real research taking place in the field of NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCES, DEATHBED VISIONS, OUT OF BODY ENCOUNTERS and AFTER PASSING CONNECTIONS.
Open that freezer door, grab a ice cold frozen popsicle, turn on your computer and surf to "BBS RADIO" at 9 pm CST, Thursday night, September 7Th.  Once you get to the BBS homepage, follow the easy directions for listening to the show LIVE!  I'll be there!  Hope you will too!
Remember - death is nothing to fear - its just a bus stop before the next journey!

A Walk To Otherside

A Walk to Otherside with Dr. Carla Brandon
Show Host
Dr. Carla Brandon

As Dr. Wills-Brandon has said time and time again, "Physical death is defiantly not the end." This up beat program takes the fear out of death by focusing in on research and investigation into the incredible, mystical experiences that often occur around the time of physical death, such as after death communications, the paranormal departing visions of the dying and those who love them, near death experiences and premonitions. This investigator has collected over two thousand first hand accounts rotating around life after death contact and she herself has experienced communications with loved ones on the otherside on numerous occasions. "Everyday people from all walks of life are having these encounters, but they are fearful of sharing them openly. They fear ridicule from friends, family and societal institutions. Most of these individuals have never picked up a New Age book, seen a medium or psychic or sought out these experiences. Contact was spontaneous, regardless of religion, race, sex or age."

Dr. Wills-Brandon will also share with her listeners how they can come to terms with the loss of a loved one. An expert in grief resolution, death, dying and trauma resolution, she knows her topic inside and out. In our culture, the thought of death is often depressing, and death phobia continues to run unchecked, but Dr. Wills-Brandon shows us physical death is nothing to fear.

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