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All Paws Pet Talk, July 7, 2016

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All Paws Pet Talk
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Guests Marion R Wells, Viva Singer, Denise Fleck and Becky Starr

All Paws Pet Talk with Deb Wolfe

Guests today include:

Marion R Wells

Learn About the Amazing Healing Power of Dogs from the Author of Doctor Dog: Healing Touches from Pets We Love Best-Selling Author M.R. Wells Discusses Heartwarming Stories About Dogs who Played a Vital Healing Role in People’s Lives 

Viva Singer

Denise Fleck


Becky Starr

Redstone Media Group

All Paws Pet Talk

All Paws Pet Talk Radio and TV
Show Host
All Paws Pet Talk Radio and TV

All Paws Pet Talk is directed to the millions of owners who are devoted to their pets and animals. Our hosts are animal industry professionals covering various specialty topics and giving free pet behavior and medical advice. We give listeners the opportunity to speak with animal experts one on one. Our show offers the audience exciting updates about events and entertainment opportunities taking place in their communities. We offer new animal health information, doggy fashions, latest trends in pet products, tips that pet owners need to know and much more valuable, informative and entertaining information.

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