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Guest Name
Kristine Meier Skiff
Kristine Skiff
Guest Occupation
Founder, CEO and Author Coach
Guest Biography

Kristine Meier-Skiff, Founder, CEO and Coach is the driving force behind Gift an Author Publishing, LLC.

With a passion for helping individuals tell their stories, Kristine has ghostwritten over 20 books, including 15 Amazon Bestsellers. Her published works span various genres, from novels and children’s books to biographies, nonfiction books, and numerous articles and blogs.

She specializes in transforming mundane facts into engaging experiences by infusing them with humor and personality. Through her expertise, she can captivate audiences and convey ideas in relatable and compelling ways.

As the owner of Gift an Author Publishing, LLC, Kristine is on a mission to provide Indie authors and ghostwriters with the comprehensive publishing services traditionally associated with larger publishing houses, while writers maintain their creative freedom and retain full rights to their works.

Under Kristine’s guidance, Gift an Author Publishing, LLC has assembled a team of exceptional professionals, including writers, editors, illustrators, cover artists, and marketers. 

More about her organization and services here:

Listen to the entire show, and receive Kristine's gift of a Character Sheet - an invaluable tool for tracking complex characters during fictional stories and novels: FREEGIFT.GAA.PUB

Also, receive a complimentary copy of Chapter 8 of Yvonne's bestselling book: “Words, Women & Wisdom: The Modern Art of Confident Conversations” by clicking here: